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xe·ro·sis X0005800 (zĭ-rō′sĭs)n. pl. xe·ro·ses (-sēz) 1. Abnormal dryness, especially of the skin, eyes, or mucous membranes.2. The normal hardening of aging tissue.xerosis (zɪˈrəʊsɪs) n (Pathology) pathol abnormal dryness of bodily tissues, esp the skin, eyes, or mucous membranes xerotic adjxe•ro•sis (zɪˈroʊ sɪs) n. abnormal dryness of the skin, eyeballs, or mucous membranes. [1885–90; < Greek xēr(ós) dry] xe•rot′ic (-ˈrɒt ɪk) adj. xerosisabnormal dryness, as of the eyes or skin. Also called xeransis. — xerotic, adj.See also: EyesTranslationsXerosis
Xerosis dryness of the skin caused by a decrease in the secretion of cutaneous sebum. It is found as a symptom in pellagra, hypovitaminosis A, dehydration of the body, and certain dermatoses. Primary xerosis is found in ectodermal dysplasia, a congenital anomaly in which there occurs an underdevelopment or complete aplasia of the sebaceous-follicular apparatus. A mild form of ichthyosis is sometimes called xerosis. xerosis
xerosis [ze-ro´sis] abnormal dryness, as of the eye (xerophthalmia), skin (xeroderma), or mouth (xerostomia).xerosis generalisa´ta dryness of the skin, with pruritus and branny scaling, seen in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.xe·ro·sis (zē-rō'sis), Pathologic dryness of the skin (xeroderma), the conjunctiva (xerophthalmia), or mucous membranes. [xero- + G. -osis, condition] xerosis (zĭ-rō′sĭs)n. pl. xero·ses (-sēz) 1. Abnormal dryness, especially of the skin, eyes, or mucous membranes.2. The normal hardening of aging tissue.xe·ro·sis (zēr-ō'sis) Pathologic dryness of the skin (xeroderma), the conjunctiva (xerophthalmia), or mucous membranes. [xero- + G. -osis, condition] CONJUNCTIVAL XEROSIS: SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention XEROSISxerosis (zĕ-rō′sĭs) [ xero- + -sis] Abnormal dryness of the skin, mucous membranes, or conjunctiva. See: illustrationxerotic, adjectiveillustrationxerosis Dryness, especially of the eyes, mouth, vagina or skin.xerophthalmia Extreme dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea due to a failure of the secretory activity of the mucin-secreting goblet cells of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva and cornea lose their lustre and become skin-like in appearance. The condition may even propagate to the cornea and give rise to keratoconjunctivitis sicca and, if severe, keratomalacia. Xerophthalmia may be due to trauma, exposure or systemic deficiency of vitamin A, etc. Syn. xeroma; xerosis of the conjunctiva (if the cornea is not involved). See keratoconjunctivitis sicca; keratomalacia; mucin; Bitot's spot.ThesaurusSeexerophthalmia |