Acronym | Definition |
WWS➣Wireless Wall Switch (various companies) |
WWS➣Wow Web Stats (World of Warcraft game) |
WWS➣Weight Watchers Scale |
WWS➣Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (Princeton University) |
WWS➣WarenWirtschaftsSystem (German) |
WWS➣World Wide Studios |
WWS➣Windows Web Server |
WWS➣Windows Web Services |
WWS➣Web Workgroup Server |
WWS➣Worldwide Studios (Sony Computer Entertainment) |
WWS➣Westfield Washington Schools (Indiana) |
WWS➣Walker-Warburg Syndrome |
WWS➣World Website Service (Holland) |
WWS➣Worldwide Services |
WWS➣We Were Soldiers (gaming clan) |
WWS➣World Wide Stout (Dogfish Head beer) |
WWS➣Wieacker-Wolff Syndrome |
WWS➣Wireless Weather Station |
WWS➣Water and Wastewater Services (Pompano Beach, FL) |
WWS➣Wired Woman Society |
WWS➣Wine, Women & Song |
WWS➣Wild Weasel Squadron |
WWS➣WWMCCS Workstation |
WWS➣Washington Wind Symphony (Bellevue, WA) |
WWS➣Wrong Window Syndrome (chat clients) |
WWS➣Whitehouse Wind Symphony (Bernardsville, NJ) |
WWS➣Wavefront Weather Services |
WWS➣World Wide Standards (quality) |
WWS➣World Waste Systems (Lakeport, CA) |