Acronym | Definition |
WW➣World War |
WW➣Worldwide |
WW➣Wild World (Animal Crossing video game) |
WW➣Wonder Woman (TV show) |
WW➣Weight Watchers International, Inc. |
WW➣Work Wear (various companies) |
WW➣White Water (pinball game) |
WW➣White Wine |
WW➣White Wolf (RPG company) |
WW➣Westwood (video game manufacturer) |
WW➣Waste Water |
WW➣Wind Waker (Legend of Zelda video game) |
WW➣Whirlwind (Diablo 2 game) |
WW➣Warrior Within (Prince of Persia video game) |
WW➣Wrong Way |
WW➣Werewolf |
WW➣Walla Walla (Washington) |
WW➣Water Works |
WW➣White Widow (cannabis strain) |
WW➣Werkloosheidswet |
WW➣Wordless Wednesday (website) |
WW➣Woodwork |
WW➣Work Week |
WW➣West Wing |
WW➣Warm Wishes |
WW➣Worth Watching |
WW➣Woodwind (music) |
WW➣Wicklow (Irish car registration) |
WW➣Wacky Wednesday |
WW➣William Wallace |
WW➣Working Women |
WW➣Whale Watching |
WW➣Willy Wonka (movie) |
WW➣Wounded Warrior |
WW➣Wario Ware (video game) |
WW➣Bmibaby (IATA airline code) |
WW➣Washington Wizards (basketball team) |
WW➣Wet Weight |
WW➣Wally World (Wal-Mart) |
WW➣Wrong Word (proofreading) |
WW➣Wonderware (industrial automation software) |
WW➣Wings West (auto design) |
WW➣Weeping Willow |
WW➣Weather Watch (refers to severe thunderstorm watch or tornado watch) |
WW➣Wild Weasel |
WW➣Wire Wrap |
WW➣WoWWiki (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
WW➣West Winds (Singapore band) |
WW➣Wilbur Wright |
WW➣Wonder of the World (Travian game) |
WW➣Wire Wound |
WW➣Wizarding World (Harry Potter) |
WW➣Weather Warning |
WW➣Wesley Willis (singer/songwriter) |
WW➣Wide Window (Lemony Snicket) |
WW➣Wario World (video game) |
WW➣Written Warning (human resources and education) |
WW➣Well Woman (diagnosis) |
WW➣Winchester-Western (ammunition) |
WW➣White Wizard (Final Fantasy game) |
WW➣White Wolves |
WW➣Wrong Window |
WW➣With Warrants (stock ticker symbol) |
WW➣Wet Willy |
WW➣Wash & Wax |
WW➣Work Warning |
WW➣Wu Wear (clothing line) |
WW➣War Wizard (Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series) |
WW➣Water Warmer |
WW➣Where's Willy? (Canadian Currency tracker) |
WW➣Warehouse Warrant |
WW➣Weather Wing |
WW➣Western Wastes (Everquest) |
WW➣Wet Wax (ear) |
WW➣Warrior's Wish (fan site) |
WW➣Webster-Whitcomb (collet lathe) |
WW➣Week-End Warriors (gaming clan) |
WW➣Wool Worths |
WW➣Winchester and Western Railroad Company |
WW➣Website Weaver (Golden Orb Technologies) |
WW➣Width of Wheel |
WW➣Wasatch Winds (American Fork, UT) |