Acronym | Definition |
WSSI➣World Seismic Safety Initiative |
WSSI➣Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. |
WSSI➣Wyoming SBIR/STTR Initiative |
WSSI➣Watershed Science Institute (Natural Resources Conservation Service, US Department of Agriculture) |
WSSI➣Wireless Site Services, Inc. (Lincoln, NE) |
WSSI➣Web Side Story, Inc. (stock symbol) |
WSSI➣Washington Square Securities, Inc. (broker/dealer) |
WSSI➣Wood Stabilizing Specialists, International |
WSSI➣Wall Street Strategies, Inc. |
WSSI➣Water Ski Shows, Inc. |
WSSI➣Wilson Social Sciences Abstracts |
WSSI➣Western Scientific Services, Inc. |
WSSI➣Web Site Services, Inc. |
WSSI➣Water Safety Survival Instructor (USMC) |
WSSI➣Woman Staff Sergeant Instructor |
WSSI➣Weapons Storage Site Inspection |
WSSI➣Westinghouse Security Systems, Inc. |
WSSI➣Washington Ski and Snowboard Industries |
WSSI➣World Secondary Standard Instrument (calibration) |
WSSI➣Weekly Sales & Stock Intake |
WSSI➣Wisconsin Supplemental Security Income |
WSSI➣Western Steel Sales, Inc. |
WSSI➣Woodlake Sanitary Services, Inc. |
WSSI➣Winnebago Satellite Service, Inc. |