Acronym | Definition |
WSRI➣Web Science Research Initiative (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Southampton) |
WSRI➣Wood Supply Research Institute (Rockville, MD) |
WSRI➣Wild Stock Restoration Initiative |
WSRI➣World-Sheet Reparametrization Invariance |
WSRI➣White Shark Research Institute (Cape Town, South Africa) |
WSRI➣Web Service Rendition Interface |
WSRI➣Western States Reclamation, Inc. (Frederick, CO) |
WSRI➣World Supply Research Institute (Tweed Heads, NSW, Australia) |
WSRI➣Western Sydney Research Institute (University of Western Sydney; Kingswood, Australia) |
WSRI➣Web Services Repository Initiative (HEKATE) |
WSRI➣Weber Stream Restoration Initiative |
WSRI➣White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative |
WSRI➣Western Shoshone Resources, Inc. (Crescent Valley, Nevada) |
WSRI➣Windstar Resources, Inc. |
WSRI➣Web Services Registration Interface |
WSRI➣Web Service Research Institute (Japan) |
WSRI➣Weighted Sound Reduction Index |
WSRI➣Wavelength Selective Ring Interconnect (fiber optic technology) |
WSRI➣Washington State Reading Initiative |
WSRI➣Wairarapa Smart Region Incorporated (New Zealand) |
WSRI➣Wine and Spirit Recruitment International (UK) |