WPEWomen's Protection and Empowerment (International Rescue Committee)
WPEWeb Publishing Engine
WPEWindows Protected Environment
WPEWindows Preinstallation Environment
WPEWeb Public Education
WPEWindows Packet Editor
WPEWorldwide Publishing Enterprises
WPEWindows Password Expert
WPEWeb and Pervasive Environments
WPEWall-Plug Efficiency
WPEWriting Proficiency Exam
WPEWork Performance Evaluation
WPEWater Plant Emulsion (processing technology)
WPEWord Processing Equipment
WPEWeight Per Epoxide
WPEWell Proximity Effect
WPEWorld Parliament Experiment (online debating forum)
WPEWinsock Packet Editor
WPEWorst President Ever
WPEWorst Person Ever
WPEWakil Perusahaan Efek (Indonesian: Securities Companies Representatives)
WPEWalker Process Equipment (Aurora, IL)
WPEWorkpackage Exchange
WPEWilliams Precision Engines
WPEWeight, Power, EVA
WPEWhole Product Element