Acronym | Definition |
WOW➣World of Warcraft (game) |
WOW➣World of Wonder |
WOW➣Words of Wisdom |
WOW➣With or Without (gaming) |
WOW➣Women of Wrestling |
WOW➣War of the Worlds |
WOW➣Ways of Working (various organizations) |
WOW➣World of Wrestling (magazine) |
WOW➣Wonders of the World |
WOW➣Work on Weekends |
WOW➣Women of Worship (various locations) |
WOW➣Woolworths |
WOW➣World of Wonders |
WOW➣Women of Works (civic organization) |
WOW➣Wonders of Wildlife (various locations) |
WOW➣Worst of the Worst (Shainin Strategies) |
WOW➣Women On Wheels (motorcyclist organization) |
WOW➣World Organization of Webmasters |
WOW➣Writers on Writing (various organizations) |
WOW➣World of Wisdom (astrology) |
WOW➣World of Work |
WOW➣Walks on Water |
WOW➣WideOpenWest |
WOW➣Wendy O Williams (singer of the Plasmatics) |
WOW➣Wonder of Wonders |
WOW➣Word of Wisdom (LDS church) |
WOW➣Workers of the World |
WOW➣Windows On Windows |
WOW➣Weight Off Workout (exercsie video) |
WOW➣Whip 'em Out Wednesdays (Opie & Anthony radio show) |
WOW➣Women Office Workers |
WOW➣Windows on the World (IBM internal database) |
WOW➣World of Words (Tucson, AZ) |
WOW➣Warehouse on Wheels (various organizations) |
WOW➣Women on Women |
WOW➣World of Water |
WOW➣Woodmen of the World |
WOW➣Who Offers What (various organizations) |
WOW➣Weak of Wanting (band) |
WOW➣Wise Ordering for Writes |
WOW➣Windows on Windows Layer |
WOW➣Wider Opportunities for Women |
WOW➣Women of Worth |
WOW➣Walk on Walls (Jedi Knight game mod) |
WOW➣Wade Oval Wednesdays (Ohio) |
WOW➣Worlds of Wayne (podcast) |
WOW➣Week of Welcome |
WOW➣Wall of Worry |
WOW➣Way of Work (Oslo, Norway) |
WOW➣Will-O-Wisp (gaming) |
WOW➣What's on Where? (Ireland) |
WOW➣Week Over Week (marketing) |
WOW➣Wide Open World |
WOW➣War on Waste |
WOW➣Women Online Worldwide |
WOW➣Women of the Wall (est. 1988) |
WOW➣William of Wales (Prince William of UK) |
WOW➣Waukesha-Ozaukee-Washington (Wisconsin) |
WOW➣Words on the Web (online literary magazine) |
WOW➣Wish Only Well |
WOW➣Woody's Office Watch |
WOW➣World Orphan Week (SOS Children's Villages) |
WOW➣Week of War (gaming tournaments) |
WOW➣Wines of Washington |
WOW➣World of Wearable Arts (New Zealand) |
WOW➣Women's Ordination Worldwide |
WOW➣Workstation on Wheels |
WOW➣Waiting On Weather |
WOW➣Women of Willow Grove (Willow Grove, PA) |
WOW➣Weight On Wheels |
WOW➣Windows on Win32 |
WOW➣Wayne, Oakland, Washtenaw (Michigan) |
WOW➣Walk Our Way (mall walking club) |
WOW➣Whip 'em Out Wednesday (radio promotion) |
WOW➣Wonderful Outstanding Worker (various organizations) |
WOW➣Wildlife on Wheels |
WOW➣Web-Oracle-Web |
WOW➣Wizards of Words (Queen Creek, AZ writers group) |
WOW➣Wonderful Open-hearted Wagon (Toyota) |
WOW➣Walk Out Working (device configuration, especially mobile phones) |
WOW➣Wise Older Women (email newsletter) |
WOW➣Water-In-Oil-In-Water (emulsions) |
WOW➣Weigh on the Way (Pitney Bowes' automated inline mailpiece weighing system) |
WOW➣Words on Work (Canadian women's speaker bureau) |
WOW➣Way Out Wineries (Texas) |
WOW➣Wanted on Warrant (law enforcement) |
WOW➣Way Oracle Works (software) |
WOW➣Watch Out for Wildlife Awareness Week (California) |
WOW➣White Open Weave (bandage) |
WOW➣Warehousing of Wisconsin (Appleton, WI) |
WOW➣World of Wackiness (Japanese video game) |
WOW➣Washington On Wheels (Washington Hospital Healthcare System, California Mobile Health Clinic) |
WOW➣Word Other Word (password creation technique) |
WOW➣Women of Worldnet |
WOW➣Wild on Wednesdays |
WOW➣Whining Old Woman |
WOW➣Women of Weight |
WOW➣Workshop on Workshops |
WOW➣Walk Out Window (access Hatch on outside shell of storage tank) |
WOW➣West Orange Warrior (West Orange High School, Florida) |
WOW➣World Ocean Watch |
WOW➣Wakefield Orchestral Wind (UK) |
WOW➣Wife of Widower |
WOW➣Women Organising the World |
WOW➣Web Object Wrapper |
WOW➣Warriors of Wellness (American Cancer Society Relay for Life Team) |
WOW➣Worship of Wicca |
WOW➣Waldorf Online World |
WOW➣Watch Our Words, Inc (Baltimore, MD) |