wouldn't dream of (doing something)

wouldn't dream of (doing something)

Wouldn't even consider doing something in particular (stated after "of"). I'm sure Mom didn't read that letter you got—she wouldn't dream of opening someone else's mail.See also: dream, of

wouldn't dream of

Also, not dream of. Not occur to one, not consider, as in Even if it were lying open on my desk, I wouldn't dream of reading another person's letter . This expression uses dream of in the sense of "remotely think of." [First half of 1500s] See also: dream, of

not ˈdream of something/of doing something

(often used with would) not even consider something under any circumstances: ‘Don’t tell Gary what I’ve bought him for his birthday.’ ‘I wouldn’t dream of it.’Only a couple of years ago he would never have dreamt of going abroad on his own, and now he’s travelling around India!See also: dream, not, of, something