atypical trigeminal neuralgia

a·typ·i·cal tri·gem·i·nal neu·ral·gi·a

periodic pain in any region of the face, teeth, tongue, and occasionally in the occipital or shoulder area, which lasts several minutes to several days but has no trigger point and lacks the paroxysmal character of tic douloureux. Synonym(s): atypical facial neuralgia

a·typ·i·cal tri·gem·i·nal neu·ral·gi·a

(ā-tipi-kăl trī-jemi-năl nūr-aljē-ă) Periodic pain in any region of the face, teeth, tongue, and occasionally in the occipital or shoulder area, which lasts several minutes to several days but has no trigger point and lacks the paroxysmal character of tic douloureux.