Wormsloe State Historic Site

Wormsloe State Historic Site

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Georgia
Location:10 miles southeast of Savannah's historic district on Skidaway Road.
Facilities:Tabby ruins, museum, gift shop, nature trail, picnic area.
Activities:Living history programs.
Special Features:Site preserves the tabby ruins of a colonial estate constructed byNoble Jones, one of Georgia's first settlers. Jones was an Englishphysician and carpenter who prospered in the colonial wilderness. Hecame to Savannah with James Oglethorpe in 1733 and commanded a companyof Marines charged with Georgia's coastal defense. Jones served asconstable, Indian agent, and surveyor (laying out New Ebenezer andAugusta). Museum exhibits include artifacts excavated at Wormsloe aswell as a film about the founding of the 13th colony.
Address:7601 Skidaway Rd
Savannah, GA 31406

Web: gastateparks.org/info/wormsloe
Size: 1,233 acres.

See other parks in Georgia.