the Georgian version of the legend, well known in world literature, of Barlaam and Josaphat. It contains a Christianized story of the life of Buddha. The Georgian version has been preserved in two texts: a long text (ninth-tenth centuries) and a short text (11th century). Euthymius the Hagiorite (955–1028) edited and translated the Balavariani from Georgian into Greek. The work was known in Russian as The Tale of Barlaam and Josaphat (translated from Greek in 1637 and 1680).
Balavariani: Mudrost’ Balavara. Tbilisi, 1962.The Balavariani (Barlaam and Josaphat). London, 1966.
Nutsubidze, Sh. K proiskhozhdeniiu grecheskogo romana “Varlaam i Ioasaf.” Tbilisi, 1956.M. IA. CHIKOVANI