

单词 world health organization

World Health Organization

World Health Organization

n (Medicine) an agency of the United Nations, established in 1948 with headquarters in Geneva, responsible for coordinating international health activities, aiding governments in improving health services, etc. Abbreviation: WHO
Noun1.World Health Organization - a United Nations agency to coordinate international health activities and to help governments improve health servicesWHOUN agency, United Nations agency - an agency of the United Nations

World Health Organization

World Health Organization

(WHO), specialized agency of the United Nations, established in 1948, with its headquarters at Geneva. WHO admits all sovereign states (including those not belonging to the United Nations) to full membership, and it admits territories that are not self-governing to associate membership. There are 193 member nations. WHO is governed by the World Health Assembly, consisting of representatives of the entire membership, which meets once a year in Geneva; an executive board of 34 health experts elected by the World Health Assembly; and a secretariat headed by a director-general. There are regional organizations in Africa, the E Mediterranean, SE Asia, Europe, the W Pacific, and the Americas. WHO is authorized to issue global health alerts and take other measures to prevent the international spread of health threats. The agency worked to eradicate smallpox, has made notable strides in checking polio, leprosy, cholera, malaria, and tuberculosis, has taken the lead within the UN community on matters related to HIV/AIDS, and sponsors medical research on tropical and other diseases. WHO also has drafted conventions for preventing the international spread of disease, such as sanitary and quarantine requirements, and for reducing smoking, and has given attention to the problems of environmental pollution.


See C. F. Brockington, World Health (1958); M. C. Morgan, Doctors to the World (1958); G. Mikes, The Riches of the Poor: A Journey Round the World Health Organization (1988); P. Wood, ed., World Health Organization; A Brief Summary of Its Work (1989); J. Siddiqi, World Health and World Politics (1995); G. L. Burci and C.-H. Vignes, World Health Organization (2004); K. Lee, The World Health Organization (2008).

World Health Organization


(WHO), a specialized agency of the United Nations that has as its objective “the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health” (art. 1 of the WHO constitution). On Jan. 1, 1971, WHO had 128 member states and three associate members. It was founded on Apr. 7, 1948, when its constitution was ratified by 26 states, members of the UN. The day is celebrated each year as World Health Day. WHO organizes campaigns for the eradication of disease (for example, international campaigns for the elimination of malaria and smallpox). In addition, it helps various countries to combat infectious and noninfectious diseases, conducts international work in the fields of quarantine and epidemiological inspection, controls the quality of pharmaceutical preparations and narcotics, develops international standards for medicines, and so forth. WHO organizes and carries out scientific research work and establishes information centers based on national scientific research institutions, and it organizes scientific conferences, meetings, and symposia, as well as the education and training of scientific medical workers. The organization is also active in improving health services in less developed countries and in training national medical personnel.

On the initiative of the USSR, resolutions were adopted on the tasks of WHO in connection with the adoption of the UN declaration on granting independence to colonial countries and peoples (1961), the resolution on the protection of man-kind against atomic radiation (1961), and on the tasks of WHO in connection with the adoption of the resolution on general and complete disarmament (1960). WHO is organized on a regional basis. It includes six regional committees, whose executive organs are the regional offices: the European regional committee (office in Copenhagen, Denmark), the African committee (office in Brazzaville, People’s Republic of the Congo), the Eastern Mediterranean regional committee (office at Alexandria, the Arab Republic of Egypt), the Southeast Asia committee (office in New Delhi, India), the Western Pacific regional committee (office in Manila, the Philippines), and the regional committee for the Americas (office in Washington, D. C., USA).

The highest organ of WHO is the World Health Assembly, which meets annually. The Assembly determines the policies and programs of WHO, appoints its director general, and examines and approves long-term and annual work plans, budget, and questions of admission to WHO, deprivation of the right to vote, service rights, and collaboration with other organizations. The other governing body of WHO is the Executive Board, which consists of 24 persons chosen by the same number of member states and elected to three-year terms by the World Health Assembly. The Executive Board has the power to adopt emergency measures in the case of matters that demand immediate action, such as the outbreak of epidemics, natural disasters, and so forth. The central administrative organ of WHO is a secretariat, which has its seat in Geneva and is headed by a director general (since 1953, M. Candau of Brazil). On Jan. 1, 1971, the staff, including personnel in the field, numbered 4,750. WHO’s activities are mainly financed from its regular budget, which consists of contributions from member nations. In addition, it is financed by a voluntary fund for health promotion, established in 1960 and consisting of voluntary contributions made by the member states of WHO, the UN Development Program, and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The total sum available to WHO in 1970 was US $112 million.


Pervye desiat’ let VOZ. Moscow, 1963. (Translation.)
The Second Ten Years of the WHO (1958-1967). Geneva, 1968.


World Health Organization

World Health Organization

 (WHO) the specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with health on an international level. The agency was founded in 1948 and in its constitution are listed the following objectives:
Health is a state of complete physical and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The enjoyment of the highest attainable standards of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, or economic or social condition. The health of all peoples is fundamental to the attainment of peace and security and is dependent upon the fullest cooperation of individuals and States. The achievement of any State in the promotion and protection of health is of value to all.
The major specific aims of the WHO are:
1. To strengthen the health services of member nations, improving the teaching standards in medicine and allied professions, and advising and helping generally in the field of health.
2. To promote better standards for nutrition, housing, recreation, sanitation, and economic and working conditions.
3. To improve maternal and child health and welfare.
4. To advance progress in the field of mental health.
5. To encourage and conduct research on problems of public health.
In carrying out these aims and objectives the WHO functions as a directing and coordinating authority on international health. It serves as a center for all types of global and health information, promotes uniform guarantee standards and international sanitary regulations, provides advisory services through public health experts in control of disease, and sets up international standards for the manufacture of all important drugs. Through its teams of physicians, nurses, and other health personnel it provides modern medical skills and knowledge to communities throughout the world.

World Health Or·ga·ni·za·tion (WHO),

(wŏrld helth ōr'ga-ni-zā'shŭn), An organization of the United Nations having as its aim "the attainment of all peoples of the highest possible level of health" (Article 1, UN Charter). It is concerned in particular with major health problems the solutions for which warrant the cooperation of many countries, such as campaigns against transmissible diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. It establishes international standards for biologic preparations and norms for substances such as insecticides, maintains a current international pharmacopeia and international health regulations, collects and disseminates epidemiologic information, and encourages the exchange of scientific knowledge. Regional programs promote mental health, maternal and child care, dental health, public health administration, and education of both the health care professions and the public in health matters. It conducts an extensive research program, convenes numerous international scientific meetings, and publishes periodicals and reports in several languages. It also plays an important role in the standardization of medical terminology.

World Health Or·ga·ni·za·tion

(WHO) (wŏrld helth ōr'găn-ī-zā'shŭn) A unit of the United Nations devoted to international health problems.

World Health Organization

An organization of major importance established in 1948 as an agency of the United Nations to promote the health of all peoples. The Headquarters of WHO is in Geneva and there are regional offices for all continents. WHO organizes campaigns against infectious diseases and sponsors research in medical laboratories all over the world. It provides expert advice on all matters directly or indirectly concerned with physical or mental health to all its member states. The eradication of SMALLPOX was a major achievement of WHO and in 1981 the organization adopted a policy of health for all by the year 2000. This is an unrealistic goal since so much depends on economic factors, but WHO has formulated specific targets for the provision of such fundamental public health needs as clean drinking water, sewage disposal, adequate nutrition, universal immunization programs and assaults on the major health hazard of smoking.

World Health Organization (WHO)

An international organization concerned with world health and welfare.Mentioned in: Cancer Therapy, Palliative

World Health Or·ga·ni·za·tion

(WHO) (wŏrld helth ōr'găn-ī-zā'shŭn) Branch of the United Nations having as its aim "the attainment of all peoples of the highest possible level of health" (Article 1, UN Charter).

World Health Organization

World Health Organization

Also called the WHO. An organization under the United Nations that promotes and coordinates programs related to public health. It conducts activities aimed to reduce the effect of infectious diseases, notably polio, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, among others. It worked to successfully eradicate smallpox in the 1970s. It was founded in 1948 and is based in Geneva.

World Health Organization

Related to World Health Organization: UNICEF
  • noun

Synonyms for World Health Organization

noun a United Nations agency to coordinate international health activities and to help governments improve health services


  • WHO

Related Words

  • UN agency
  • United Nations agency




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