

单词 woman



W0203400 (wo͝om′ən) n. pl. wom·en (wĭm′ĭn) 1. An adult female human. 2. Women considered as a group; womankind: "Woman feels the invidious distinctions of sex exactly as the black man does those of color" (Elizabeth Cady Stanton). 3. An adult female human belonging to a specified occupation, group, nationality, or other category. Often used in combination: an Englishwoman; congresswoman; a saleswoman. 4. A female servant or subordinate. 5. Informal a. A wife. b. A female lover or sweetheart. See Usage Notes at chairman, female, lady, man. Idioms: (one's) own woman Independent in judgment or action: She has always been her own woman. to a woman Without exception.
[Middle English, from Old English wimman, variant of wīfman : wīf, woman + man, person; see man.]


(ˈwʊmən) n, pl women (ˈwɪmɪn) 1. (Anthropology & Ethnology) an adult female human being2. (modifier) female or feminine: a woman politician; woman talk. 3. (Anthropology & Ethnology) women collectively; womankind4. the woman feminine nature or feelings: babies bring out the woman in her. 5. a female servant or domestic help6. a man considered as having supposed female characteristics, such as meekness or timidity7. informal a wife, mistress, or girlfriend8. the little woman informal one's wife9. woman of the streets a prostitutevb (tr) 10. rare to provide with women11. obsolete to make effeminate[Old English wīfmann, wimman; from wife + man (human being)] ˈwomanless adj ˈwoman-ˌlike adj


(ˈwʊm ən)

n., pl. wom•en (ˈwɪm ɪn)
adj. n. 1. an adult female person, as distinguished from a girl or a man. 2. a wife. 3. a female lover or sweetheart. 4. a female servant or attendant. 5. women collectively; womankind. 6. the nature, characteristics, or feelings often attributed to women; womanliness. adj. 7. female: a woman plumber. [before 900; Middle English womman, wimman, Old English wīfman=wīf female + man human being; see wife, man] wom′an•less, adj. syn: woman, female, lady are nouns referring to adult human beings who are biologically female, that is, capable of bearing offspring. woman is the general, neutral term: a wealthy woman. In scientific, statistical, and other objective use female is the neutral contrastive term to male: 104 females to every 100 males. female is sometimes used disparagingly: a gossipy female. lady in the sense “polite, refined woman” is a term of approval: We know you will always behave like a lady. usage: Although formerly woman was sometimes regarded as demeaning and lady was the term of courtesy, woman is the designation preferred by most modern female adults: League of Women Voters; American Association of University Women. woman is the standard parallel to man. When modifying a plural noun, woman, like man, becomes plural: women athletes; women students. The use of lady as a term of courtesy has diminished somewhat in recent years, although it still survives in a few set phrases (ladies' room; Ladies' Day). lady is also used, but decreasingly, as a term of reference for women engaged in occupations considered by some to be menial or routine: cleaning lady; saleslady. See also girl, lady.


a combining form of woman: chairwoman; forewoman; spokeswoman. usage: Compounds ending in -woman commonly correspond to the masculine compounds in -man: councilman, councilwoman; congressman, congresswoman. The current practice, esp. in edited written English, is to avoid the -man form in reference to a woman or the plural -men when members of both sexes are involved. Often, a sex-neutral term is used; for example, council member rather than either councilman or councilwoman; representatives or legislators rather than congressmen. See also -man, -person.


– lady">lady1. used as a noun

You usually refer to an adult female person as a woman /'wʊmən/.

His mother was a tall, dark-haired woman.

The plural of woman is women /'wɪmɪn/.

There were men and women working in the fields.

You can use lady as a polite way of referring to a woman, especially if the woman is present.

We had a visit from an American lady.There is a lady here who wants to speak to you.

Be Careful!
It is almost always better to refer to someone as an old lady or an elderly lady, rather than an 'old woman'.

I helped an old lady to carry her shopping.She is an elderly lady living on her own.

If you are addressing a group of women, you call them ladies, not 'women'.

Ladies, could I have your attention, please?Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
2. 'woman' and 'women' used as modifiers

Woman is sometimes used in front of other nouns.

She said that she would prefer to see a woman doctor.

You use women in front of plural nouns, not 'woman'.

Women drivers can get cheaper car insurance.

Be Careful!
Normally, you just refer to a female doctor, writer etc as a doctor or a writer. Only use woman doctor, woman writer etc if it is necessary to make it clear that you are referring to a woman.

See female - feminine


Past participle: womaned
Gerund: womaning
I woman
you woman
he/she/it womans
we woman
you woman
they woman
I womaned
you womaned
he/she/it womaned
we womaned
you womaned
they womaned
Present Continuous
I am womaning
you are womaning
he/she/it is womaning
we are womaning
you are womaning
they are womaning
Present Perfect
I have womaned
you have womaned
he/she/it has womaned
we have womaned
you have womaned
they have womaned
Past Continuous
I was womaning
you were womaning
he/she/it was womaning
we were womaning
you were womaning
they were womaning
Past Perfect
I had womaned
you had womaned
he/she/it had womaned
we had womaned
you had womaned
they had womaned
I will woman
you will woman
he/she/it will woman
we will woman
you will woman
they will woman
Future Perfect
I will have womaned
you will have womaned
he/she/it will have womaned
we will have womaned
you will have womaned
they will have womaned
Future Continuous
I will be womaning
you will be womaning
he/she/it will be womaning
we will be womaning
you will be womaning
they will be womaning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been womaning
you have been womaning
he/she/it has been womaning
we have been womaning
you have been womaning
they have been womaning
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been womaning
you will have been womaning
he/she/it will have been womaning
we will have been womaning
you will have been womaning
they will have been womaning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been womaning
you had been womaning
he/she/it had been womaning
we had been womaning
you had been womaning
they had been womaning
I would woman
you would woman
he/she/it would woman
we would woman
you would woman
they would woman
Past Conditional
I would have womaned
you would have womaned
he/she/it would have womaned
we would have womaned
you would have womaned
they would have womaned
Noun1.woman - an adult female person (as opposed to a man)woman - an adult female person (as opposed to a man); "the woman kept house while the man hunted"adult femaleadult female body, woman's body - the body of an adult womanadult, grownup - a fully developed person from maturity onwardfemale person, female - a person who belongs to the sex that can have babiesBlack woman - a woman who is Blackwhite woman - a woman who is Whiteyellow woman - offensive term for an Asian womanamazon, virago - a large strong and aggressive womanmaenad - (Greek mythology) a woman participant in the orgiastic rites of Dionysusbachelor girl, bachelorette - a young unmarried woman who lives alonebaggage - a worthless or immoral womanball-breaker, ball-buster - a demanding woman who destroys men's confidencebar girl, B-girl - a woman employed by a bar to act as a companion to men customersbas bleu, bluestocking - a woman having literary or intellectual interestsbridesmaid, maid of honor - an unmarried woman who attends the bride at a weddingbroad - slang term for a woman; "a broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch"cat - a spiteful woman gossip; "what a cat she is!"Cinderella - a woman whose merits were not been recognized but who then achieves sudden success and recognitioncoquette, flirt, minx, prickteaser, vamp, vamper, tease - a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit mengentlewoman, ma'am, madam, lady, dame - a woman of refinement; "a chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady"deb, debutante - a young woman making her debut into societydivorcee, grass widow - a divorced woman or a woman who is separated from her husbandex-wife, ex - a woman who was formerly a particular man's wife; "all his exes live in Texas"dominatrix - a dominating woman (especially one who plays that role in a sadomasochistic sexual relationship)donna - an Italian woman of rankenchantress, femme fatale, temptress, Delilah, siren - a woman who is considered to be dangerously seductiveeyeful - a strikingly beautiful woman; "she was a statuesque redheaded eyeful"geisha, geisha girl - a Japanese woman trained to entertain men with conversation and singing and dancingfille, girl, miss, missy, young lady, young woman - a young woman; "a young lady of 18"girl - a friendly informal reference to a grown woman; "Mrs. Smith was just one of the girls"lady friend, girlfriend, girl - a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved; "his girlfriend kicked him out"girlfriend - any female friend; "Mary and her girlfriend organized the party"gold digger - a woman who associates with or marries a rich man in order to get valuables from him through gifts or a divorce settlementgravida - a pregnant womanheroine - a woman possessing heroic qualities or a woman who has performed heroic deedsinamorata - a woman with whom you are in love or have an intimate relationshipjezebel - a shameless impudent scheming womanjilt - a woman who jilts a loverlady - a polite name for any woman; "a nice lady at the library helped me"maenad - an unnaturally frenzied or distraught womanmaterfamilias, matriarch - a female head of a family or tribematriarch - a feisty older woman with a big bosom (as drawn in cartoons)matron - a woman in charge of nursing in a medical institutionmestiza - a woman of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry)kept woman, mistress, fancy woman - an adulterous woman; a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a manmother figure - a woman who evokes the feelings usually reserved for a mothernanny, nursemaid, nurse - a woman who is the custodian of childrennullipara - (obstetrics) a woman who has never give birth to a childhouri, nymph - a voluptuously beautiful young womannymphet - a sexually attractive young womanold woman - a woman who is oldadult male, man - an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman); "there were two women and six men on the bus"
2.woman - a female person who plays a significant role (wife or mistress or girlfriend) in the life of a particular man; "he was faithful to his woman"colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speechfemale person, female - a person who belongs to the sex that can have babiesman - a male person who plays a significant role (husband or lover or boyfriend) in the life of a particular woman; "she takes good care of her man"
3.woman - a human female employed to do houseworkwoman - a human female employed to do housework; "the char will clean the carpet"; "I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write"charwoman, cleaning lady, cleaning woman, charcleaner - someone whose occupation is cleaning
4.woman - women as a class; "it's an insult to American womanhood"; "woman is the glory of creation"; "the fair sex gathered on the veranda"fair sex, womanhoodsocial class, socio-economic class, stratum, class - people having the same social, economic, or educational status; "the working class"; "an emerging professional class"womankind - women as distinguished from men


noun1. lady, girl, miss, female, bird (slang), dame (slang), ho (U.S. derogatory slang), sheila (Austral. & N.Z. informal), vrou (S. African), maiden (archaic), chick (slang), maid (archaic), gal (slang), lass, lassie (informal), wench (facetious), adult female, she No woman would ever want to go out with you.
lady man, boy, guy (informal), male, lad, gentleman, bloke (Brit. informal), chap (informal), laddie
2. (Informal) girlfriend, girl, wife, partner, mate, lover, squeeze (informal), bride, mistress, spouse, old lady (informal), sweetheart, significant other (U.S. informal), ladylove, bidie-in I know my woman will never leave me.3. maid, domestic, char (informal), housekeeper, lady-in-waiting, chambermaid, handmaiden, charwoman, maidservant, female servant Catriona had been nagging him to get a woman in to clean once a week.
Related words
combining forms gyn(o)-, gynaeco-
like gynomania
fear gynophobia
"The meaning of what it is to be a woman has never been more open-ended and therefore more filled with anxiety" [Nancy Friday What is a Real Woman?]
"Women have served all these centuries as looking-glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size" [Virginia Woolf A Room of One's Own]
"The individual woman is required ... a thousand times a day to choose either to accept her appointed role and thereby rescue her good disposition out of the wreckage of her self-respect, or else follow an independent line of behavior and rescue her self-respect out of the wreckage of her good disposition" [Jeannette Rankin]
"When a woman behaves like a man why doesn't she behave like a nice man?" [Edith Evans]
"The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is `What does a woman want?'" [Sigmund Freud]
"A woman can look both moral and exciting - if she also looks as if it was quite a struggle" [Edna Ferber]
"I think being a woman is like being Irish ... Everyone says you're important and nice, but you take second place all the same" [Iris Murdoch The Red and the Green]
"Fickle and changeable always is woman" [Virgil Aeneid]
"A man is as old as he's feeling,"
"A woman as old as she looks" [Mortimer Collins The Unknown Quantity]
"Men play the game, women know the score" [Roger Woddis]
"A complete woman is probably not a very admirable creature. She is manipulative, uses other people to get her own way, and works within whatever system she is in" [Anita Brookner]
"One is not born a woman; one becomes one" [Simone de Beauvoir The Second Sex]
"Woman was God's second blunder" [Friedrich Nietzsche Der Antichrist]
"Being a woman is of special interest only to aspiring male transsexuals. To actual women it is merely a good excuse not to play football" [Fran Lebowitz Metropolitan Life]
"A woman seldom writes her mind but in her postscript" [Sir Richard Steele The Spectator]
"A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle" [attributed to Gloria Steinem]
"Frailty, thy name is woman!" [William Shakespeare Hamlet]
"A woman, especially, if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can" [Jane Austen Northanger Abbey]
"A woman who thinks she is intelligent demands equal rights with men. A woman who is intelligent does not" [Colette]
"Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily this is not difficult" [Charlotte Whitton]
"All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his" [Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Ernest]
"When women go wrong, men go right after them" [Mae West]
"Women - one half of the human race at least - care fifty times more for a marriage than a ministry" [Walter Bagehot The English Constitution]
"Women can't forgive failure" [Anton Chekhov The Seagull]
"Women are really much nicer than men: no wonder we like them" [Kingsley Amis A Bookshop Idyll]
"Any woman who chooses to behave like a full human being should be warned that the armies of the status quo will treat her as something of a dirty joke" [Gloria Steinem Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions]
"There are only three things to be done with a woman. You can love her, suffer for her, or turn her into literature" [Lawrence Durrell Justine]
"If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves?" [Mary Astell Some Reflections upon Marriage]
"Good women always think it is their fault when someone else is being offensive. Bad women never take the blame for anything" [Anita Brookner Hotel du Lac]
"O fairest of creation, last and best"
"Of all God's works" [John Milton Paradise Lost]
"A woman's place is in the home"
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"
"A woman's work is never done"


(ˈwumən) plural women (ˈwimin) noun1. an adult human female. His sisters are both grown women now; (also adjective) a woman doctor; women doctors. 成年女子 成年女子,妇女 2. a female domestic daily helper. We have a woman who comes in to do the cleaning. 女佣人 女佣-woman sometimes used instead of -man when the person performing an activity is a woman, as in chairwoman 女... 女...ˈwomanhood noun the state of being a woman. She will reach womanhood in a few years' time. 女性成年期,女性特質 女子的成年期,女性特质 ˈwomankind, womenkind (ˈwimin-) nouns women generally. 一般婦女 妇女们,女子们 ˈwomanly adjective (showing qualities) natural or suitable to a woman. a womanly figure; womanly charm. 具有或展現女性特質的 女子气质的ˈwomanliness noun 具有或展現女性氣質 女性气质ˈwomenfolk (ˈwimin-) noun plural female people, especially female relatives. 婦女們(尤指女眷) 妇女们(尤指女眷)




  • (not) half the person/man/woman (one) used to be
  • (one's) own man/woman/person
  • (the) man of the moment
  • (the) man/woman of the hour
  • (the) woman of the moment
  • a (person) of substance
  • a man after (one's) own heart
  • a man of few words
  • a man of the world
  • a man, woman, etc. after your own heart
  • a man/woman of few words
  • a man/woman of parts
  • a man/woman of the people
  • a man/woman of the world
  • a man/woman on a mission
  • a man/woman with a mission
  • a man/woman/person of action
  • a person after (one's) own
  • a woman after (one's) own heart
  • a woman for all seasons
  • a woman of few words
  • a woman of her word
  • a woman, man, person, etc. of substance
  • a woman's place is in the home
  • a woman's work is never done
  • anyone in their right mind
  • as (something) as the next man/woman/person
  • as one
  • Athanasian wench
  • be (one's) man/woman
  • be (one's) own man/woman/person
  • be a fine figure of a (man or woman)
  • be a man/woman of his/her word
  • be somebody's man/woman
  • be twice the man or woman that someone is
  • be twice the man/woman
  • be twice the man/woman that (someone) is
  • be your own man/woman
  • big woman on campus
  • business woman
  • comfort woman
  • fallen woman
  • feel like a new man/woman
  • Hell has no fury like a (certain type of person) scorned
  • hell has no fury like a woman scorned
  • Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
  • kept woman
  • like a man/woman possessed
  • make an honest woman (out) of (someone)
  • make an honest woman of
  • make an honest woman of her
  • make an honest woman of somebody
  • make an honest woman of someone
  • man in the street
  • man of the world
  • man/woman/gentleman/lady of leisure
  • marked man, a
  • May the best man/woman win.
  • nasty woman
  • new man
  • new woman
  • of few words, man of
  • old lady
  • old woman
  • one heck of a (something or someone)
  • one hell of a (something or someone)
  • one-woman show
  • own person, be one's
  • own woman
  • point woman
  • poor man's
  • Renaissance man
  • repo woman
  • right-hand man
  • scarlet woman
  • self-made man
  • straight woman
  • the inner man/woman
  • the little woman
  • the man, woman, etc. of the moment
  • the man/woman in (one's) life
  • the man/woman in your life
  • the man/woman on the Clapham omnibus
  • the man/woman/thing of (one's) dreams
  • the thinking man's/women's crumpet
  • the woman on the street
  • to a man
  • to a woman
  • woman crush Wednesday
  • woman of color
  • woman of God
  • woman of ill repute
  • woman of letters
  • woman of many parts
  • woman of means
  • woman of the match
  • woman of the world
  • woman-about-town
  • yesterday's man/woman
  • you can't keep a good man down
  • you can't keep a good man/woman down
  • your right-hand man



1. an adult female human being 2. women collectively; womankind


(tool)A replacement for the Unix man documentationbrowsing command. Version 1.157 of woman runs under/on386BSD, OSF, Apollo Domain/OS, BSD, HP-UX, IBMRS-6000, Irix, Linux, Solaris, Sony NEWS, SunOS,Ultrix, Unicos.

Posted to comp.sources.reviewed Volume 3, Issue 50 on 05 Jul1993 by Arne Henrik Juul , archive-namewoman-1.157.

FTP USC, USA.FTP Imperial, UK.


(dreams)Women generally represent intuition, creativity, nurturing, and love. At times they can also represent the negative attributes which are given to women and include physical and emotional weakness, gossip, martyrdom, passivity, moodiness, temptation, and guilt. The content of the dream is to be considered, as well as the emotional tone. If the dream is sexual in nature, look up sex. If the woman in your dream was a stranger and you are a man, she could be symbolic of your feminine side or your attitude about women. If you are a woman, this stranger may be symbolic of different parts of your character or personality. Carl Jung believed that the unknown woman in a man’s dream is the anima. It is the “personification of the animated psychic atmosphere; the autonomous activity of the unconscious.” Thus, when you meet an unknown woman in your dreams, pay close attention to what she is saying and doing. It is Carl Jung who suggested that women in dreams represent our collective unconscious and men collective consciousness. Thus, the woman is that force or current inside of you that nudges you on and inspires you. It is your intuition and the knowledge that in not necessarily attached to words. Men, on the other hand, represent the active part that uses the information received to create the physical reality of our lives. When the two are working together well we have balance and experience awareness that leads to peace and productivity.



(wo͝om′ən)n. pl. women (wĭm′ĭn) An adult female human.
A female person


Vox populi A female person. See Abdominal woman, Declared pregnant woman.

Patient discussion about woman

Q. can staphylococcus in woman cause infertility? staphylococcus/infertilityA. Not that I know about. One of the major routes in which bacteria cause infertility in women is through inflammation of the pelvis (PID), but staphylococcus isn't a major cause of this disease.
You may read more here:

Q. Is it safe to have sex with a woman with cancer of the uterus? My 45-years old wife was told she have cancer in the uterus, and will have an operation soon. Meanwhile, should we use a condom during sex? Can the tumor pass from her to me (like AIDS or HPV)?A. unless the cancer has lots of bleeding, you don't need to use condoms.
but if your wife would undergo an operation, maybe you need to be off-of-that-sex 1-2 days prior to operation day, just to make sure there's no super infection that will bother the operation plan.

Q. If a woman has a sister with bipolar disorder... If a woman has a sister with bipolar disorder [and no other family history of mental health problems] and she marries a man with no family history of mental health problems. Now anyone tell me what are the chances that their children will have bipolar?A. There is always a chance when having children that they may develop some kind of illness at some point in their lives. You shouldnt base your decicion to have children on that fact. As time goes on there are better and more effective ways to treat illnesses such as bipolar disorder. There is a chance that there is a wider family history of bipolar disorder in the family and none of the others were diagnosed. Then there is a good possibility that the child may not get bipolar disorder. We can give you odds and statistics but the reality is if you choose not to have children you will never know. Knowledge is power, if you are aware that there is a history, educate yourself on the illness and you will recognize the signs at an early stage if they appear and be able to get your child the help they will require right away.

More discussions about woman


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