Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts

Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts

Parks Directory of the United States / US National Parks / Parks (Other)Address:1551 Trap Rd
Vienna, VA 22182

Web: www.nps.gov/wotr/
Size: 130 acres.
Established: Authorized on October 15, 1966.
Location:Near Vienna, Virginia, outside I-495 (Capital Beltway), between VA 7 and VA 267 (Dulles Toll Rd.)
Facilities:Picnic area, rest rooms (é), restaurant/snacks.
Activities:Performances, educational programs, guided tour.
Special Features:At this first national park for the performing arts, Filene Center can accommodate an audience of 7,000, including 3,000 on the sloping lawn in a setting of rolling hills and woods.

See other parks in Virginia.