释义 |
work (work) 1. A force moving a resistance. The amount of work done is the mathematical product of the force in the direction of movement, times the distance the object is moved in that direction. NOTE: If the object is not moved, then no work is done even though energy is expended. The SI unit of work is the joule (J). The dimensionally equivalent newton-meter (N•m) is sometimes used instead to signify work in physics. See: calorie; erg2. The job, occupation, or task one performs as a means of providing a livelihood.3. The effort employed to explore interpersonal or psychological issues.work of breathing Abbreviation: WOB The amount of effort used to expand the lungs. It is determined by lung and thoracic compliance, airway resistance, and the use of accessory muscles for inspiration or forced expiration. It is measured in joules/L, joules/min and sometimes kg/m/min. The measurement of the WOB is analogous to the typical description of work in physics (work = force x distance). In respiratory physiology, work = pressure x volume. crown workA colloquial term for a dental crown.shift workA staffing arrangement in which some employees work during the day and others in the evening or at night. Shift work is a common method of scheduling used in many industries to maximize productivity over a 24-hr day and in health care, where patients' needs may arise at any time of the day or night. A great number of persons work regularly at night, either on a permanent or rotating schedule. In most of these workers, adaptation to the altered work schedule is imperfect; sleep disturbances and other medical and psychosocial problems have often been found in shift workers. Among other problems, many night-time or rotating shift workers often have family obligations during the day, which compromise their ability to obtain adequate rest before or after work. social workProvision of social services (in fields such as child welfare, criminal justice, hospital-based medicine, or mental health) and the promotion of social welfare by a professionally trained person. Social work often involves advocacy and aid for individuals who are poor, elderly, homeless, unemployed, or discriminated against in society because of gender, race, or other biases. Trager work See: Trager work
work of breathing Abbreviation: WOB The amount of effort used to expand the lungs. It is determined by lung and thoracic compliance, airway resistance, and the use of accessory muscles for inspiration or forced expiration. It is measured in joules/L, joules/min and sometimes kg/m/min. The measurement of the WOB is analogous to the typical description of work in physics (work = force x distance). In respiratory physiology, work = pressure x volume. See also: workWOB
Acronym | Definition |
WOB➣Wolfsburg (Germany) | WOB➣Wet Openbaarheid Van Bestuur | WOB➣Weight on Bit (oil industry) | WOB➣Woburn (Amtrak station code; Woburn, MA) | WOB➣Wireless Outdoor Bridge | WOB➣Web Object | WOB➣Waste Oil Burner | WOB➣Woman-Owned Business | WOB➣Work of Breathing | WOB➣Weight over Bar (weightlifting) | WOB➣Welcome on Board | WOB➣Waste of Breath | WOB➣White On Black (printing) | WOB➣Wenger Out Brigade | WOB➣World of Beer (Florida) | WOB➣Wife of Bath | WOB➣Waste Of Bandwidth (slang) | WOB➣World of Britney (website) | WOB➣Writing on Back (descriptive of condition of vintage postcards & other ephemera) | WOB➣World of Business | WOB➣Way of Being | WOB➣Wings of Blue (Air Force Academy) | WOB➣Wii on Beer | WOB➣Whole of Business | WOB➣Work Order Bin | WOB➣Worrisome Online Behavior | WOB➣Weight of Blend | WOB➣Want of Bee | WOB➣Wings over Burlington (Vermont) |