Arvid Kalnin

Kalnin’, Arvid Ianovich


(also Arvids Kalnins). Born Aug. 6 (18), 1894, in Bebru, present-day Stucka Raion. Soviet specialist in xylology and lumber technology; academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR (1946) and Honored Scientist of the Latvian SSR (1945).

After graduating from the Riga Polytechnic Institute in 1916, Kalnin’ was a teacher and scientist. His main work was on problems of xylology, the chemical modification of wood, and the lumber industry. In 1925 he was the first to show that chemicals could be used to stimulate the formation and separation of soft resin when tapping conifers. In the late 1950’s he substantiated the possibility of making economical the complete use of all wood by-products and significantly refining the wood of soft deciduous species. In 1946 he became director of the Institute of Lumber Industry Problems and, in 1963, director of the Institute of Wood Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR. He was awarded the State Prize of the USSR in 1951 and the State Prize of the Latvian SSR in 1957. He has also been awarded two Orders of Lenin, three other orders, and various medals.


MeŽu tehnologija. Riga, 1925.
Technical Properties of Latvian Coniferous Timber (Pinus silvestus L., Picea excelsa Lk. and Larix europea DC) With Relation to Conditions of Growth. Riga, 1938.
“Neispol’zovannye vozmozhnosti khimicheskoi pererabotki drevesiny.” Vestnik AN SSSR, 1956, NO. 4.
“Voprosy kompleksnogo khimicheskogo ispol’zovaniia lesosyr’evykh resursov v rabotakh latviiskikh uchenykh.” In Lesnoe khoziaistvo i promyshlennoe potreblenie drevesiny v SSSR: Doklady k VI Mirovomu lesnomu kongressu. Moscow, 1966.


Akademik A. I. Kalninsh: Bibliografiia. Riga, 1964.