Acronym | Definition |
WMMA➣World of Mixed Martial Arts (gaming) |
WMMA➣Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America |
WMMA➣Western Montana Mycological Association |
WMMA➣Wisconsin Marketing and Management Association |
WMMA➣World Missions Ministerial Association |
WMMA➣Word of Mouth Marketing Association (also seen as WOMMA) |
WMMA➣White Mountain Musical Arts (North Conway, NH) |
WMMA➣White Mountain Martial Arts (Littleton, NH) |
WMMA➣Waste Management of Massachusetts, Inc. |
WMMA➣Waste Materials Management Act |
WMMA➣Water Mixing & Measuring Appliance |
WMMA➣West Marshall Merchants Association (Pennsylvania) |
WMMA➣Western Mine Maintenance Association |
WMMA➣Wireless Multimedia Adapter |
WMMA➣Woodstock Mixed Martial Arts (Woodstock, Illinois) |
WMMA➣World Mixed Martial Arts Federation, Inc. |
WMMA➣Waste Materials Management Association |