Arutiunov, Aleksandr

Arutiunov, Aleksandr Ivanovich


Born Dec. 21, 1903 (Jan. 3, 1904), in Yerevan. Soviet neurosurgeon. Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1967). Member of the CPSU since 1940. Graduated from the medical department of Northern Caucasus University (1929).

Between 1951 and 1964, Arutiunov was the director of the Kiev Scientific Research Institute of Neurosurgery. Since 1964 he has been director of the N. N. Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR and simultaneously (since 1965) head of the department of neurosurgery at the Central Advanced Training Institute for Doctors. His main work has been devoted to brain tumors, the neurosurgical pathology of vessels, and damage to the central nervous system. He is vice-president of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (since 1965) and president of the All-Union Society of Neurosurgeons (since 1966). He has been awarded the Order of Lenin, four other orders, and medals.


Tuberkulomy golovnogo mozga. Kiev, 1959. (Coauthor.)
“O nekotorykh printsipial’nykh voprosakh patologii i khirurgicheskogo lecheniia mezhpozvonochnykh diskov.” Voprosy ne- irokhirurgii, 1962, issue 4. “
Khirurgicheskoe lechenie ekhinokokka tsentral’noi nervnoi sistemy.” Klinicheskaia khirurgiia, 1963, no. 5.