witchcraft and sorcery

witchcraft and sorcery

the use of MAGIC in an attempt to achieve ends which are socially disapproved, e.g. harmful to the victim. Whilst the terms are often used interchangeably, distinctions are also drawn.

For Evans-Pritchard (1937), in witchcraft the powers claimed or alleged are typically seen as ‘inherent’ and portrayed as pervasive in the individual, whilst in sorcery these powers are regarded as learned and are usually more specific (see also SHAMAN). Belief in witchcraft and sorcery occurs mainly in premodern societies. In tribal and preindustrial societies witchcraft functions as a mechanism for the expression of social strains and conflicts. According to Marwick (1970), accusations of witchcraft arise in contexts in which a misfortune occurs and an explanation is sought among those who may have some reason for practising witchcraft against the person experiencing the misfortune.