Wissler syndrome

Wiss·ler syn·drome

(vĭs'lĕr), high intermittent fever, irregularly recurring macular and maculopapular eruption of the face, chest and limbs, leukocytosis, arthralgia, occasionally eosinophilia, and raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate; occurs in children and adolescents, with varying duration.

Wiss·ler syn·drome

(vĭs'lĕr), high intermittent fever, irregularly recurring macular and maculopapular eruption of the face, chest and limbs, leukocytosis, arthralgia, occasionally eosinophilia, and raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate; occurs in children and adolescents, with varying duration.

Wiss·ler syn·drome

(vis'ler sin'drōm) High intermittent fever; irregularly recurring macular and maculopapular eruption of the face, chest and limbs; leukocytosis; arthralgia; occasionally eosinophilia; and raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Condition occurs in children and adolescents, with varying duration. In early stages, it is difficult to differentiate from septicemia.
Synonym(s): Wissler subsepsis allergica, Wissler-Fanconi syndrome.


Hans, Swiss pediatrician, 1906–. Wissler syndrome - high intermittent fever and rash in children and adolescents.Wissler-Fanconi syndrome - toxic allergic hypersensitivity.

Wiss·ler syn·drome

(vis'ler sin'drōm) High intermittent fever; irregularly recurring macular and maculopapular eruption of the face, chest, and limbs; leukocytosis; arthralgia; occasionally eosinophilia and raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate; occurs in children and adolescents, with varying duration.