Wise County

Wise County, Texas

PO Box 359
Decatur, TX 76234
Phone: (940) 627-3351
Fax: (940) 627-2138

In north-central TX, northwest of Fort Worth; organized Jan 23, 1856 from Cooke County. Name Origin: For Maj. Gen. Henry Alexander Wise (1806-76), governor of VA (1856-60), and an officer in the Confederate army

Area (sq mi):: 922.77 (land 904.61; water 18.17) Population per square mile: 62.70
Population 2005: 56,696 State rank: 55 Population change: 2000-20005 16.20%; 1990-2000 40.70% Population 2000: 48,793 (White 86.10%; Black or African American 1.20%; Hispanic or Latino 10.80%; Asian 0.20%; Other 7.50%). Foreign born: 5.10%. Median age: 35.50
Income 2000: per capita $17,729; median household $41,933; Population below poverty level: 9.90% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $21,769-$22,898
Unemployment (2004): 5.10% Unemployment change (from 2000): 1.70% Median travel time to work: 33.30 minutes Working outside county of residence: 49.20%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in Texas.

Wise County, Virginia

PO Box 570
Wise, VA 24293
Phone: (276) 328-2321
Fax: (276) 328-9780

On the southwestern border of VA, north of Kingsport, TN; organized Feb 16, 1856 from Lee, Russell, and Scott counties. Name Origin: For Gen. Henry A. Wise (1806-76), U.S. representative from VA (1833-44), governor (1856-60), and Confederate Army officer

Area (sq mi):: 405.22 (land 404.04; water 1.18) Population per square mile: 103.90
Population 2005: 41,997 State rank: 39 Population change: 2000-20005 4.70%; 1990-2000 1.40% Population 2000: 40,123 (White 96.40%; Black or African American 1.80%; Hispanic or Latino 0.70%; Asian 0.30%; Other 1.10%). Foreign born: 0.50%. Median age: 37.80
Income 2000: per capita $14,271; median household $26,149; Population below poverty level: 20.00% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $18,469-$20,474
Unemployment (2004): 5.00% Unemployment change (from 2000): -0.60% Median travel time to work: 23.60 minutes Working outside county of residence: 37.60%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in Virginia.