

also win·dow dress·ing (wĭn′dō-drĕs′ĭng)n.1. a. Decorative exhibition of retail merchandise in store windows.b. Goods and trimmings used in such displays.2. A means of improving appearances or creating a falsely favorable impression: "The realignment ... may be more window dressing than a substantive change in how the company does business" (Connie Guglielmo).
win′dow-dress′er n.


n (Professions) a person employed to design and build up a display in a shop window


(ˈwindəu) noun an opening in the wall of a building etc which is fitted with a frame of wood, metal etc containing glass or similar material, that can be seen through and usually opened. I saw her through the window; Open/Close the window; goods displayed in a shop-window. 窗戶 窗户ˈwindow-box noun a box on a window-ledge, in which plants may be grown. 窗台花盆 窗台花盆箱ˈwindow-dressing noun the arranging of goods in a shop window. 櫥窗佈置 橱窗布置ˈwindow-dresser noun 櫥窗佈置者 橱窗装饰师ˈwindow-frame noun the wooden or metal frame of a window. 窗框 窗框ˈwindow-ledge noun a ledge at the bottom of a window (usually on the outside). 窗台 窗台ˈwindow-pane noun one of the sheets of glass in a window. 窗玻璃 窗玻璃ˈwindow-shopping noun looking at things in shop windows, but not actually buying anything. 觀看商店的櫥窗 观看商店的橱窗ˈwindow-sill noun a ledge at the bottom of a window (inside or outside). 窗檻 窗槛