Winckel disease

Winckel's disease

A condition described by Franz von Winckel, a German gynaecologist (1837–1911), as neonatal sepsis, haematuria, jaundice, splenomegaly, vascular collapse, convulsions and a high mortality. It is not used in the working medical parlance.

ep·i·dem·ic he·mo·glo·bi·nu·ri·a

(ep'i-dem'ik hē'mō-glō-bi-nyūr'ē-ă) The presence of hemoglobin in the urine of young infants, attended with cyanosis, jaundice, and other conditions; may be due to secondary methemoglobinemia.
Synonym(s): Winckel disease.

Winckel disease

(ving′kĕl) [Franz von Winckel, Ger. gynecologist, 1837–1911] A fatal disease of the newborn characterized by hematuria, jaundice, enlarged spleen, collapse, and convulsions.


Franz K.L.W. von, German physician, 1837-1911. Winckel disease - hemoglobinuria of the newborn.