Wilson, Mitchell
Wilson, Mitchell
Born July 17, 1913, in New York; died there Feb. 26,1973. American writer.
A physicist, Wilson worked at the E. Fermi Laboratory from 1940 to 1954. He published his first adventure novel and short stories in the early 1940’s. His novels are about American physicists, such as Live With Lightning (1949; Russian translation under the title Life in the Gloom, 1951), My Brother, My Enemy (1952; Russian translation, 1956), Davy Mallory, (1956; Russian translation, 1959), and Meeting at a Far Meridian (1961; Russian translation, 1961). In his works, Wilson primarily deals with the moral aspect of science, the scientist’s responsibility for the social consequences of his discoveries, and the conflict between two antipodal scientists, between the creator and the business-minded. Wilson wrote with affection about the USSR, which he visited a number of times. He is also the author of several popular scientific works, including American Science and Invention (1954; Russian translation, 1964).
None So Blind. New York, 1945.The Lovers. New York, 1954.
The Huntress. London, 1966.
Passion to Know. Garden City, N. Y. 1972.
In Russian translation:
“Ispoved’ ’fizika’ i ‘lrika’.” Literaturnaia gazeta, Sept. 10,1960.
Toper, P. “Dve knigi Mitchela Uilsona.” Inostrannaia literatura, 1957, no. 7.Ashbourne, B. “The Fame of Mitchell Wilson.” Nation, 1960, no. 7 (191).