Willibald Pirkheimer

Pirkheimer, Willibald


(also Bilibald Pirckheimer). Born Dec. 5, 1470, in Eichstätt; died Dec. 22, 1530, in Nurem-burg. German humanist; leader of the Nuremberg humanists.

Pirkheimer was a patrician, a patron of the arts, and a friend of A. Dürer. He was the author of numerous works, including The History of the Swiss War (1499), which he described as an eyewitness. He advocated German unity and the free development of secular culture. In the Reuchlin dispute, he defended the position of J. Reuchlin against reactionary Catholic theologians. He initially supported M. Luther but later opposed the Reformation.


Nemilov, A. N. “Villibal’d Pirkgeimer i ego mesto sredi nemetskikh gumanistov nachala XVI veka.” In the collection Srednie veka, fasc. 28. Moscow, 1956.