William King

King, William,

1650–1729, Irish clergyman and author. He was made archbishop of Dublin in 1702. An ardent believer in the rights of the Church of Ireland, he published in 1691 his State of the Protestants in Ireland under the late King James's Government. His chief work is De origine mali (1702, tr. 1730).

King, William,

1663–1712, English poet. He supported the Tory and High Church party. He is noted for his humorous and satirical writings, which include Dialogues of the Dead (attacks against Richard Bentley, pub. 1699) and Miscellanies in Prose and Verse (1709).

King, William

(1768–1852) shipowner, governor; born in Scarboro, Maine (then part of Massachusetts). He moved to Bath, Maine (1800), and became an important shipowner and a leading citizen. He was a major-general of militia in the War of 1812. Following Maine's admission to the Union, he became the first governor of Maine (1820–21). He was a commissioner for the Adams-Onis Treaty with Spain (1821–24) and lost a race for the governor's seat in 1835. Maine placed his statue in the U.S. Capitol.