William Harrison Moreland
Moreland, William Harrison
Born July 13, 1868; died Sept. 28, 1938. British historian.
Moreland was a specialist on the economic history of 16thand 17th-century India, chiefly northern India. He served in the British administration in India from 1886 to 1914. His works are noted for their wealth of documentation, precise terminological analysis, and attention to socioeconomic processes. Notwithstanding, Moreland was a typical representative of the British bourgeois school of historiography. He tried to prove that the British conquest did not worsen the economic status of the Indian people.
India at the Death of Akbar. London, 1920.From Akbar to Aurangzeb. London, 1923.
The Agrarian System of Moslem India. Cambridge, 1929.