Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Nebraska
Location:10 miles south of Gering, off NE 71.
Facilities:5 campsites, modern restrooms, picnic areas, 3 picnic shelters, trails, playground, visitor/nature center.
Activities:Primitive camping, hiking, mountain biking, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:Located in the rugged rocky buttes and pine-covered canyons of westernNebraska, this recreation area features Wildcat Hills Nature Center, amuseum and teaching center with exhibits of the area's unique flora andfauna. A 310-acre game reserve south of the recreation area holds asmall herd of buffalo, elk, and longhorn cattle. Visitors are notpermitted within the fenced reserve.
Address:210615 Hwy 71
Gering, NE 69341

Web: www.ngpc.state.ne.us/parks/guides/parksearch/findpark.asp
Size: 705 acres.

See other parks in Nebraska.