Acronym | Definition |
WIA➣Workforce Investment Act of 1998 |
WIA➣Windows Image Acquisition (Microsoft Me) |
WIA➣Wounded In Action |
WIA➣Wet Werk en Inkomen Naar Arbeidsvermogen (Dutch) |
WIA➣Workforce Investment Area (varius locations) |
WIA➣Women in Action |
WIA➣Women in Academia (various locations) |
WIA➣Windows Imaging Architecture |
WIA➣Windows Image Acquisition |
WIA➣Wireless Internet Access |
WIA➣When in Area |
WIA➣Women in Aerospace (Alexandria, Virginia, USA) |
WIA➣Wireless Institute of Australia |
WIA➣Women in Agriculture (USDA) |
WIA➣Wireless Industry Association (est. 1986) |
WIA➣Windows Integrated Authentication |
WIA➣Workforce Innovation Act of 2000 (Florida) |
WIA➣World Iodine Association (trade association) |
WIA➣Wireless Innovation Alliance (various locations) |
WIA➣Wachovia Insurance Agency (Georgia) |
WIA➣Weather-Impacted Airspace |
WIA➣Women Investigators Association |
WIA➣Water Impact Assessment |
WIA➣Wiring Integration Assembly |