whois -h server_name person_name
You can also type "telnet server_name 43" and then type theperson's name on a separate line. For a list of whoisservers, FTP/Gopher: sipb.mit.edu. Or
whois -h sipb.mit.edu whois-servers
As the above command demonstrates, whois can find informationabout things other than users, e.g. domains, networks andhosts.
See also finger, X.500, white pages.
Before the Web, Whois was strictly an Internet service used to query a host and find out if a certain user was registered on that system. Originally developed by the military, others followed with their own Whois databases, which provide white pages directories. See finger.Directory of Domain Names
Whois databases have become the master directories for domain name registrations. When a new domain is added or changed, the information is sent to the appropriate Whois database. Domain name registrars may provide a search function on their sites that can access various or all of the Whois databases. Following are examples of websites that provide information from the Whois databases:
WHO-IS SITES www.WhoIs.sc www.BetterWhoIs.com www.InternNIC.net www.uWhoIs.com www.EasyWhoIs.com www.FreeWho.com (tracks Whois sites) www.TekTips.us (tracks Whois sites)