

W5122100 (wĭf, hwĭf)n.1. a. A brief, passing odor carried in the air: a whiff of perfume.b. A very small trace: a whiff of self-pity in her remarks.2. An inhalation, as of air or smoke: Take a whiff of this pipe.3. A slight, gentle gust of air; a waft: A whiff of cool air blew into the room.4. Baseball A strikeout.v. whiffed, whiff·ing, whiffs v.intr.1. To be carried in brief gusts; waft: puffs of smoke whiffing from the chimney.2. Sports To swing at and miss a ball or puck.3. Baseball To strike out. Used of a batter.v.tr.1. To inhale through the nose; sniff: a dog whiffing the air.2. Baseball To strike out (a batter).
[Perhaps alteration of Middle English weffe, offensive smell.]
whiff′er n.