which brings me to the point

which brings me to the point

What was just said segues into some point one wanted to make. A: "The slowdown was due more to problems with equipment failures than the people on the factory floor." B: "And which brings me to the main point I wanted to make today. If we don't start investing in new technology, we're going to continue falling behind every single year." Thank you for your analysis, Sarah. which brings me to the point that we still have a long way to go toward sustainable growth.See also: bring, point

which brings me to the (main) point

a transitional phrase that introduces the main point of a discussion. Bill: Keeping safe at times like this is very importantwhich brings me to the main point. Does your house have an adequate burglar alarm? Sally: I knew you were trying to sell me something! Out! Lecturer:... which brings me to the point. John (whispering): Thank heavens! I knew there was a point to all this.See also: bring, point