

单词 bia



abbr.1. Bachelor of Industrial Administration2. Bureau of Indian Affairs


Bureau of Indian Affairs.



Abbr. for the Brick Industry Association, Reston, VA 201191-1525; formerly the Brick Institute of America.



Abbreviation for:
background impulse activity
best interest assessor (Medspeak-UK)
bioelectrical impedence analysis
biomolecular interaction analysis
business impact analysis


Abbreviation for bioelectrical impedance analysis.

bioelectrical impedance analysis



A method of body composition analysis useful in measuring the total body water and other components. BIA relies on the changes in electrical current as it travels through body fluids and tissues. The results obtained may vary with ambient temperature and humidity, the subject's hydration, and other variables.


(im-ped'ans) [L. impedire, to hinder] Resistance met by alternating currents in passing through a conductor; consists of resistance, reactance, inductance, or capacitance. The resistance due to the inductive and condenser characteristics of a circuit is called reactance.

acoustic impedance

Resistance to the transmission of sound waves.

bioelectrical impedance

Abbreviation: BIA
Resistance to electrical current as it travels through body fluids and tissues. Its measurement is used in body composition analysis to determine total water, lean mass, and other body components. The results may vary with ambient temperature and humidity, the subject's hydration, and other variables. See: body composition; body fat; fluid, body; lean body mass

static acoustic impedance

Abbreviation: Za
The opposition to the passage of sound through the external auditory canal.

thoracic impedance

A measure of the electrical activity in the chest that varies with changes in body size and composition, fluid volume, ventilatory status, and other variables.

bioelectrical impedance

Abbreviation: BIA
Resistance to electrical current as it travels through body fluids and tissues. Its measurement is used in body composition analysis to determine total water, lean mass, and other body components. The results may vary with ambient temperature and humidity, the subject's hydration, and other variables. See: body composition; body fat; fluid, body; lean body massSee also: impedance


BIABusiness Improvement Area
BIABureau of Indian Affairs
BIABusiness Impact Analysis (management analysis identifying the impacts of losing company resources; commonly part of a Business Recovery Plan)
BIABuilding Industry Association
BIABoard of Immigration Appeals (US DOJ)
BIABrothers in Arms (game)
BIABandaranaike International Airport (Sri Lanka)
BIABusiness in Africa (magazine)
BIABusiness Improvement Association (Canada)
BIABioelectric Impedance Analysis
BIABaby in Arms
BIABankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada)
BIABrain Injury Association (USA)
BIABrick Institute of America
BIABengaluru International Airport (Bangalore, India)
BIABanque Internationale pour l'Afrique (French)
BIABorder & Immigration Agency (UK, formerly Immigration and Nationality Directorate)
BIABusiness Intelligence Analytics
BIABioindustry Association (UK)
BIABioIndustry Association
BIABuffer Index Area
BIABasic Internet Access
BIABurned-in Address
BIABusiness Impact Assessment
BIABusiness Impact Analysis
BIABrick Industry Association
BIABoating Industry Association (now NMMA)
BIABrevet d'Initiation Aéronautique (French aeronautics diploma)
BIABastia, Corsica, France - Poretta (Airport Code)
BIABump in the API
BIABaixo Impacto Ambiental (Portuguese: Low Environmental Impact; Brazil)
BIABezbednosno Informativna Agencija (Serbian intelligence agency)
BIABristol International Airport (UK)
BIABreakfast in America (restaurant; Paris, France)
BIABudget Implementation Act (various locations)
BIABroadband Internet Access
BIABusiness Intelligence Accelerator (software)
BIABureau of Immigration Appeals
BIABremer Innovations Agentur (German innovation support company)
BIABradley International Airport (Hartford, Connecticut)
BIABritish Institute at Ankara (Ankara, Turkey)
BIABurned-In (MAC) Address (Cisco)
BIABasic Insurance Amount (federal government employee life insurance)
BIABiospecific Interaction Analysis
BIABroadmoor Improvement Association
BIABachelor of Industrial Administration
BIABicycle Institute of America
BIABio-Inspired Algorithm
BIABusiness Improvement Architects (Canada)
BIABarbecue Industry Association
BIABilateral Infrastructure Agreement (various locations)
BIABureau Issues Association (US agency)
BIABoehringer Ingelheim Austria
BIABinding Industries of America
BIABureau Informatisering Amsterdam (City of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
BIABest in America
BIABoard of Indian Affairs (state of Utah)
BIABeef Improvement Association
BIABanque Intercontinentale Arabe (French: Arab Intercontinental Bank)
BIABulletin d'Information Archéologique (French: Archaeological Information Bulletin)
BIABomb Impact Assessment
BIABarbados Institute of Architects (Barbados)
BIABritish Insurance Association (now ABI)
BIABilingual Interactive Activation Model
BIABus Interface Adapter
BIABall Image Analyzer
BIABulk Inversion Asymmetry
BIABiométrie et Intelligence Artificielle (French: Biometrics and Artificial Intelligence)
BIABusiness Internet Analytics (Microsoft initiative)
BIABritish Irish Association
BIABureau d'Information Aéronautique (French)
BIABusiness Intelligence Associates, Inc
BIABraille Institute of America, Inc.
BIABusqueda de Inteligencia Artificial (Spanish)
BIABook Income Adjustment (tax)
BIABuses International Association
BIABase Information Analysis
BIABoost, Insertion, and Abort
BIABorn Into Ashes (band)
BIABroadband Internetwork Analyzer
BIABaccalauréat en Informatique Appliquée (Bachelor in Data Sciences)




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