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wheal-and-flare reaction
wheal-and-er·y·the·ma re·ac·tionthe characteristic immediate reaction observed in an allergy skin test; within 10-15 minutes after injection of antigen (allergen), an irregular, blanched, elevated wheal appears, surrounded by an area of erythema (flare). Synonym(s): wheal-and-flare reactionwheal-and-flare reaction Triple response of Lewis Immunology A series of 3 sequential responses that occur in skin subjected to minor trauma, caused by tissue release of histamine; WFR tests immediate hypersensitivity–'reaginic' or allergic reaction to an antigen, and can be transferred to a nonallergic person. See P-K test. wheal-and-er·y·the·ma re·ac·tion (wēl er'i-thē'mă rē-ak'shŭn) The characteristic immediate reaction observed in the skin test; within 10-15 minutes after injection of antigen (allergen), an irregular, blanched, elevated wheal appears, surrounded by an area of erythema (flare). Synonym(s): wheal-and-flare reaction. AcronymsSeeWFR |