Acronym | Definition |
WFSA➣World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists |
WFSA➣Wildland Fire Situation Analysis |
WFSA➣World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting Activities |
WFSA➣Welsh Federation of Sea Anglers |
WFSA➣Wildland Fire Leadership Council (est. 2002) |
WFSA➣Wasatch Front Ski Accommodations |
WFSA➣Wilhelm Furtwängler Society of America |
WFSA➣World Federation and Society of Adolescentology |
WFSA➣Women's Foundation of Southern Arizona |
WFSA➣Wessex Film and Sound Archive |
WFSA➣Weighted Finite State Acceptor |
WFSA➣Weighted Finite State Automata |
WFSA➣World Freestyle Skateboarding Association |
WFSA➣World Food and Sustainable Agriculture |
WFSA➣Welsh Football Supporters Association (UK) |
WFSA➣World Freestyle Snowmobiling Association |
WFSA➣Waltham Forest Socialist Alliance (UK) |
WFSA➣Western Financial Services Association |
WFSA➣Winter Fox Ski Association, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA, USA) |
WFSA➣Workflow System Account (Microsoft SharePoint) |
WFSA➣Westbere Frostbite Sailing Association (UK) |
WFSA➣Wuhan Free Software Association |