Weyerhaeuser, Frederick E.

Weyerhaeuser, Frederick E. (Edward)

(1872–1945) lumberman, financier; born in Rock Island, Ill. Born into an extended family of lumberjacks and sawmill operators, his father Frederick Weyerhaeuser had formed scores of joint ventures involving timberland and sawmill operations throughout the Pacific northwest and along the Mississippi in Louisiana and Arkansas. After Yale, and a four-year apprenticeship, son Frederick became president of Southern Lumber Company in Arkansas (1900). At his father's office in St. Paul (1903), he managed finances and founded the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company to market lumber from competing, yet associated, mills (1916). He held various directorships and served as treasurer (1906–28) and president (1928–45) of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company. A Presbyterian, he actively supported the Union Gospel Mission and the Young Men's Christian Association.