

(bā`ələ) [Heb., fem. of BaalBaal
, plural Baalim
[Semitic,=master, lord], name used throughout the Bible for the chief deity or for deities of Canaan. The term was originally an epithet applied to the storm god Hadad.
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], in the Bible. 1 The same as BilhahBilhah
, in the Bible. 1 Rachel's maid and Jacob's concubine. 2 City of Simeon, of unknown location. It also appears as Baalah and Balah.
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 (2.) 2 The same as Kirjath-jearimKirjath-jearim
, in the Bible, ancient fortress and holy place, ancient Palestine, W of Jerusalem. It also appears as Kirjath, Kirjath-arim, Kirjath-baal, Baalah, and Baale of Judah.
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. 3 Unidentified mountain, in the vicinity of JamniaJamnia
, biblical Jabneel and Jabneh [Heb.,=God causes to build], ancient city, central Israel. Its modern name is Yavne. A central city of Philistia, the Bible refers to its walls being destroyed by Uzziah. It was pillaged by Judas Maccabaeus and later rebuilt.
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