West Rock Ridge State Park

West Rock Ridge State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Connecticut
Location:On Wintergreen Avenue in Hamden. From Route 10 (Dixwell Avenue) turnwest onto Benham, south onto Main Street, and then west ontoWintergreen.
Activities:Hiking, canoeing, fishing, mountain biking, fall foliage viewing.
Special Features:Rising up to 627 feet above sea level, West Rock Ridge is one of themost prominent physiographic features of the New Haven region. WestRock affords the visitor a spectacular view; it is estimated that onecan see approximately 200 square miles from various locations on theridge, with excellent views of New Haven Harbor and Long Island Sound. There are no bathroom facilities at this park.
Address:c/o Sleeping Giant State Park
200 Mount Carmel Ave
Hamden, CT 06518

Web: www.dep.state.ct.us/stateparks/parks/westrock.htm
Size: 1,533 acres.

See other parks in Connecticut.