

(wĕst′nôrth′wĕst′, -nôr-wĕst′)n. Abbr. WNW The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due west and northwest, or 67°30′ west of due north.adj. To, toward, of, facing, or in the west-northwest.adv. In, from, or toward the west-northwest.


n (Navigation) the point on the compass or the direction midway between west and northwest, 292° 30′ clockwise from north adj, advin, from, or towards this directionSymbol: WNW


n. 1. a point on the compass midway between west and northwest. adj. 2. coming from this point: a west-northwest wind. 3. directed toward this point. adv. 4. toward this point. Abbr.: WNW [1400–50]