Westmoreland State Park

Westmoreland State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Virginia
Location:6 miles northwest of Montross, just off State Route 3.
Facilities:133 campsites (42 with water and electric hookups), 4 group campsites, 26 cabins (2 @di), 5-bedroom lodge, bathhouse, picnic area, picnic shelters, snack bar, hiking trails, self-guiding trails, swimming pool (é), boat launch, boat rentals, fishing pier, visitor center, camp store, playground (é).
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, fishing, swimming, hiking, kayaking tours, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Built in the 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corps, most of the roads and trails found in the park were originally dug by hand. The park is minutes away from the birthplaces of George Washington and Robert E. Lee.
Address:1650 State Park Rd
Montross, VA 22520

Web: www.dcr.state.va.us/parks/westmore.htm
Size: 1,299 acres.

See other parks in Virginia.