Westminster, Convention of 1756
Westminster, Convention of (1756)
(also known as the Whitehall Treaty), a treaty between Great Britain and Prussia, signed on Jan. 27,1756, in Whitehall Palace, Westminster, London. The convention laid the groundwork for the regroupment of political forces in Europe on the eve of the Seven Years’ War (1756–63). Great Britain hoped that Prussia, as a military ally, would oppose France on the continent. Prussia expected to receive British support in its struggle against Austria and Russia, and it hoped that the arrangement would bring about a favorable change in conditions on the continent that would allow it to seize new territories. Under provisions of the convention, the two parties were obliged to join in protecting the German state from incursions by any foreign power.
The Convention of Westminster of 1756 was answered by the Versailles Alliance Treaty of 1756, concluded in Versailles in May of that year between France and Austria. Russia became a signatory to the treaty in January 1757.