West Cascades Scenic Byway

West Cascades Scenic Byway

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:c/o Mount Hood National Forest
16400 Champion Way
Sandy, OR 97055

Web: www.fs.fed.us/r6/mthood/ Description:Scenic byway between Portland and Eugene skirts the west side of the Cascade Mountain Range as it runs through both the Mount Hood and Willamette national forests. It offers scenic views of waterfalls, old growth forests, rushing whitewater, lakes, and the snowcapped mountain peaks of Mount Jefferson, Mount Washington, Three Fingered Jack, and the Three Sisters.
Legth: 220 miles. Start/Endpoint: Byway begins in Estacada and runs south on SR 224, FR 46, SR 22, SR 126, and FR 19, ending in the town of Oakridge, Oregon. Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (2000).

See other parks in Oregon.