释义 |
Aran (ˈærən) adj1. (Placename) of or relating to the Aran Islands2. (Textiles) made of thick undyed wool with its natural oils retained: an Aran sweater. fish•er•man (ˈfɪʃ ər mən) n., pl. -men, adj. n. 1. a person who fishes. 2. a ship used in fishing. adj. 3. Also, fish′er•man's. of or designating a knitting pattern primarily of cable-stitches. [1400–50] Aran
Aran (ā`răn), in the Bible, descendant of Seir the Horite.Aran made of thick undyed wool with its natural oils retained Aran
A·ran (ah-rahn'), François A., French physician, 1817-1861. See: Aran-Duchenne disease, Duchenne-Aran disease. ARAN
Acronym | Definition |
ARAN➣Agenzia per la Rappresentanza Negoziale (Italian organzation for technical control in public law) | ARAN➣Animal Rights Action Network (Ireland) | ARAN➣Automatic Road Analyzer | ARAN➣Authenticated Routing for Ad-Hoc Networks | ARAN➣Association Royale des Architectes de la Province de Namur (French: Royal Association of Architects of the Province of Namur; Namur, Belgium) | ThesaurusSeefisherman |