Weiskopf, Franz Carl

Weiskopf, Franz Carl


Born Apr. 3, 1900, in Prague; died Sept. 14, 1955, in Berlin. German writer (German Democratic Republic [GDR]). A Communist. Son of a German official.

Weiskopf graduated from the University of Prague. In 1923 he published a collection of revolutionary poems. After his trip to the USSR he published the book Transfer to the 21st Century (1927; Russian translation, 1928). He immigrated to Czechoslovakia in 1933 and to the USA in 1939. After World War II he was the Czechoslovak ambassador to the USA, Sweden, and China. He moved to the GDR in 1953. Weiskopfs works include the realistic antifascist novels The Temptation (1937), Dawn Breaks (in English, 1942; in German, 1944; Russian translation, 1944), Firing Squad, (in English, 1944; in German, 1945), and Twilight on the Danube (in English, 1946; in German, 1950, under the title Farewell to Peace); and a book on the literature of the German antifascist emigration entitled Under Foreign Skies (1947). A literary prize bearing Weiskopfs name has been instituted in the GDR.


Gesammelte Werke, vols. 1-8. Berlin, 1960.
In Russian translation:
Proshchanie s mirnoi zhizn’iu. Moscow, 1968.
V burnom potoke. Moscow, 1968.


Matuzova, N. M. U istokov nemetskoi literatury sotsialisticheskogo realizma: Khudozhestvennaia publitsistika F. Vaiskopfa. Kiev, 1967.
Arkhipov, Iu. “Sumerki i rassvet nad Dunaem.” Inostrannaia literatura, 1969, no. 1.
Erinnerungen an einen Freund: Ein Gedenkbuch für F. Weiskopf. Berlin, 1963.
Arndt, F. F. Weiskopf. Leipzig, 1965.