

单词 weathering



W0072300 (wĕth′ər-ĭng)n. Any of the chemical or mechanical processes by which objects exposed to the weather are worn or broken down.


(ˈwɛðərɪŋ) n (Physical Geography) the mechanical and chemical breakdown of rocks by the action of rain, snow, cold, etc


(ˈwɛð ər ɪŋ)

n. the process by which various natural agents, as wind and water, act upon exposed rock, causing it to disintegrate to sand and soil. [1655–65]


The decay and break up of rocks on the Earth’s surface by natural chemical and mechanical processes.


weather the storm

1. Literally, to remain at one's location during a storm to wait until it passes, as opposed to evacuating. Officials are urging residents not to try to weather the storm. This is a mandatory evacuation event.2. To endure a period of hardship or disorder. That was the hardest year of my life, but in the end I was able to weather the storm with the support of my family.See also: storm, weather

weather in

1. To cause someone or something to be stuck inside due to extreme weather conditions. A noun or pronoun can be used between "weather" and "in"; often used in passive constructions. We were so excited for a vacation on the beach, but the monsoon weathered us in the whole time. We've been weathered in for nearly a week in this cabin—I hope the snow melts soon, or we're going to start running out of food!2. To cause someone or something to be unable to move, operate, or be accessed due to extreme weather conditions. A noun or pronoun can be used between "weather" and "in"; often used in passive constructions. The second, smaller hurricane has weathered in rescue services trying to provide aid to victims of the first one. The entire marina was weathered in by the freak snowstorm, meaning no boats could leave or enter until the snow and ice had been cleared.See also: weather

weather out

1. To tolerate or endure a storm safely for its duration. A noun or pronoun can be used between "weather" and "out." The national meteorological service has recommended that everyone on the east coast stay indoors to weather out the extreme cold front set to hit the country this weekend. The hurricane descended just as our vacation began, so we had to weather it out in our hotel room the whole time.2. To tolerate or endure some undesirable, unfortunate, or risky situation for its duration. A noun or pronoun can be used between "weather" and "out." We consolidated a lot of our business structures in an attempt to weather out the economic recession. I know you're finding it tough not being able to find a job, but you just have to weather this out and believe that everything will work out in the end.3. To force something to be canceled or postponed to a later date. Used primarily in passive constructions. We were worried the game would be weathered out because of the forecast the night before, but we ended up having blue skies that afternoon. The festival was weathered out, having to be pushed back to June.4. To be exposed in or separated from the surrounding minerals due to the eroding effect of weather. Often used in passive constructions. It's extremely rare to find gemstones in such good conditions that have weathered out naturally.5. To cause something to be exposed in or separated from the surrounding substances due to the eroding effect of weather. Often used in passive constructions. The extreme conditions in this part of the country has weathered a huge number of fossils out of the shale—more than any other location in the world. You can tell by these marks where wind and rain weathered out gold deposits.See also: out, weather

weather the storm

 1. Fig. to experience and survive a storm. We decided to stay in the building and weather the storm there with the other visitors. 2. Fig. to experience something and survive it. (Fig. on {2}.) The manager went on another shouting rampage and frightened his assistants. The rest of us stayed in our offices to weather the storm.See also: storm, weather

weather the storm

Survive difficulties, as in If she can just weather the storm of that contract violation, she'll be fine. This expression alludes to a ship coming safely through bad weather. [Mid-1600s] See also: storm, weather

weather the storm


ride out the storm

COMMON If you weather the storm or ride out the storm, you survive a difficult situation or period without being seriously harmed by it. The General insists he will not resign and will weather the storm. Both companies have weathered the storm of the current recession better than most. Note: You can also say that you ride the storm. The President will no doubt ride the storm, as he always does.See also: storm, weather

weather the storm

survive a period of difficulty.See also: storm, weather

weather in

v.1. To cause something to be inoperable, inaccessible, or unable to move safely due to adverse weather: This storm will weather the fleet in. The storm could weather in the climbers for days. The squadron is weathered in because of dense fog.2. To cause something to remain inside due to adverse weather: A northeaster weathered us in for most of our vacation. Bring a book to read in case we get weathered in.See also: weather

weather out

v.1. To spend, endure, or survive some storm: We weathered out the storm in a shelter. I'm not sure if we will evacuate the area or stay here and weather the storm out.2. To force the cancellation or postponement of some event because of adverse weather: Our flight was scheduled for 6:00, but the storm weathered it out. The picnic was weathered out.3. To spend, endure, or survive something: I weathered out five tours in Vietnam. The first weeks of school are difficult, but you'll weather them out.4. To become exposed by the erosion of surrounding material: Some of the dinosaur bones remain embedded in the rock, while others are lying on the surface where they weathered out. We found many geodes that had weathered out and were lying in the sand.5. weather out of To become separated from some surrounding material by the erosive effects of weather: The holes are where hematite has weathered out of the sandstone. We found gold that had weathered out of a vein upstream.See also: out, weather



collective term for the processes by which rock at or near the earth's surface is disintegrated and decomposed by the action of atmospheric agents, water, and living things. Some of these processes are mechanical, e.g., the expansion and contraction caused by sudden, large changes in temperature, the expansive force of water freezing in cracks, the splitting caused by plant roots, and the impact of running water; others are chemical, e.g., oxidation, hydration, carbonization, and loss of chemical elements by solution in water. Weathering is important because it aids in the formation of soil and prepares materials for erosionerosion
, general term for the processes by which the surface of the earth is constantly being worn away. The principal agents are gravity, running water, near-shore waves, ice (mostly glaciers), and wind.
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. Construction materials for buildings and roads are subject to weathering by water, carbon dioxide, aerosol gases, freeze-thaw cycles, and salt (see also formation of potholespothole,
in geology, cylindrical pit formed in the rocky channel of a turbulent stream. It is formed and enlarged by the abrading action of pebbles and cobbles that are carried by eddies, or circular water currents that move against the main current of a stream.
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). New techniques in road construction, allowing a minimum of weathering, more weather-resistant aggregates, and better building materials have lowered costs for maintenance and repair.


An inclination given to the surface of horizontal joints in masonry construction to prevent water from collecting in them.



a process of the breakdown and alteration of rock under the conditions of the earth’s crust; caused by the effect of the mechanical and chemical action of atmospheric, ground, and surface waters and organisms.

In terms of the medium in which weathering occurs, a distinction is drawn between atmospheric and underwater weathering. A distinction is also made in terms of the type of weathering action on the rock. Physical weathering causes only the mechanical breakdown of the rock into fragments. Chemical weathering alters the chemical composition of the rock with the formation of minerals that are more resistant to the conditions of the earth’s surface. Organic or biological weathering leads to the mechanical decomposition or chemical alteration of the rock as a result of the vital activities of organisms. Soil formation is a unique type of weathering, and here biological factors play a particularly active role.

Rock weathering occurs under the effect of water (atmospheric precipitation or ground waters), carbon dioxide and oxygen, water vapor, atmospheric or subsurface air, seasonal and daily temperature fluctuations, and the vital activity of macro- and micro-organisms and the products of their decomposition. In addition to the listed agents, the rate and degree of weathering, the thickness of the weathering products, and their composition are also affected by the relief and geological structure of the terrain, as well as by the com-position and structure of the mother rock. The predominant mass of physical and chemical weathering processes (oxidation, sorption, hydration, and coagulation) occurs with the release of energy.

Usually the types of weathering occur simultaneously, but one or another of them predominates depending upon the climate. Physical weathering occurs chiefly under the conditions of an arid and hot climate and is related to sharp fluctuations in the rock temperature caused by the heating of sun rays (insolation) and the subsequent nighttime cooling. A rapid change in the volume of the surface parts of the rock here leads to their cracking. In areas with frequent temperature fluctuations around 0° C, the mechanical destruction of the rock occurs under the effect of frost weathering. When water that has penetrated into the cracks freezes, the volume of the water increases, and the rock splits. Chemical and organic weathering are confined chiefly to areas with a wet climate. The basic factors of chemical weathering are air and particularly water, which contains salts, acids, and alkalis. The water solutions circulating in the rock, aside from simple dilution, are also capable of causing complex chemical changes.

The physical and chemical processes of weathering occur in close relationship to the development and vital activities of animals and plants, as well as to the action of the products from their decay after death. A tropical or subtropical climate and an insignificant erosion of the terrain are the best conditions for the formation and conservation of weathering products (minerals) in situ. Here, the rock bed subjected to weathering shows a geochemical zonality (from the top to the bottom) expressed by a complex of minerals characteristic for each zone. The minerals are formed as a result of successive processes: decomposition of the rock under the effect of physical weathering, leaching out of the bases, hydration, hydrolysis, and oxidation. These processes often lead to the complete decomposition of the primary minerals and even to the formation of free oxides and hydroxides. Depending upon the degree of acidity and alkalinity of the medium and the participation of biogenic factors, minerals of varying chemical composition are formed-from those resistant in an alkali medium (in the lower horizons) to those resistant in an acid or neutral medium (in the upper horizons).

The diversity of weathering products represented by different minerals is determined by the composition of the minerals in the primary rock. For example, on ultrabasic rock (serpentinites), the upper zone is represented by rock where carbonates (magnesite and dolomite), cerolites and meerschaums are formed in the cracks. Then follow the horizons of carbonatization (calcite, dolomite, and aragonite), in the upper parts of which nickel cerolites or garnierite can form in the cracks; hydrolysis, to which the formation of nontronite and the accumulation of nickel (up to 2.5 percent NiO) is related; and silification (quartz, opal, and chalcedony). The zone of final hydrolysis and oxidation is com-posed of hydrogoethite (ocherous), goethite, magnetite and manganese oxides, and hydroxides (nickel- and cobalt-containing). The major deposits of nickel, cobalt, magnesite, and naturally alloyed iron ores are related to the weathering processes of this type of rock.

On the carbonatites that originally consisted of more than 90 percent calcium, ankerite or siderite, and a small quantity of mineral admixtures (pyroxenes, amphiboles, tantalonio-bates, and rare earth minerals), the end weathering products become friable. As a result of the oxidation of carbonates, iron hydroxides are formed, while the calcium and magnesium oxides undergo substantial leaching. This leads to an increase in the content of the mineral impurities that are stable under supergene conditions. Thus the fresh carbonates, even with an insignificant content of niobium, tantalum, rare earths, and phosphorus, can produce exploitable deposits of these elements with weathering. With the (physical) weathering of coal, the coal breaks down to blossom and loses its luster, and the thickness of the seams changes. With chemical weathering, the carbon and hydrogen content declines in the composition of the coals, and the oxygen in the organic mass increases. In addition, the moisture content of the coal rises, its caking capacity declines, and thermal conductivity falls.

In those instances when the weathering products do not remain in situ, but are carried from the surface of the weathering rock by water or wind, characteristic landforms often occur; they depend both upon the character of weathering and on the properties of the rock, in which the process manifests and emphasizes the particular features of the rock structure. For igneous rock (granites, diabases, and so forth), massive rounded forms of weathering are characteristic; for the foliated sedimentary and metamorphic rock there are steplike shapes (benches, recesses, and so forth). The heterogeneity of the rock and the varying resistance of the various parts of the rock to weathering lead to the formation of outliers in the form of solitary mountains, columns, towers, and so forth. In a wet climate, on the sloping surfaces of uniform and comparatively water-soluble rock like lime-stone, the running-off waters cut out irregular depressions separated by sharp prominences and crests. This forms an uneven surface, known as a cirque. In the process of the de-composition of residual weathering products, numerous soluble compounds are formed that are carried by the ground-waters into the water basins and either become part of the dissolved salts or are precipitated. The weathering processes lead to the formation of various sedimentary rocks, numerous minerals, including kaolins, ochers, refractory clays, sands, iron ores, aluminum, manganese, nickel, cobalt, gold and platinum placers, as well as oxidation zones of pyrite deposits with their minerals.


Ginzburg, 1.1.“Obrazovanie drevnei kory vyvetrivaniia na territorii SSSR, ee mineraly i ikh svoistva.” Trudy iubileinoi sessii, posviashchennoi 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia V. V. Dokuchaeva. Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.
Kazanskii, lu. P. Vyvetrivanie i ego roV v osadkonakoplenie. Moscow, 1969.
Vyvetrivanie i litogenez. Moscow, 1969.


[′weth·ə‚riŋ] (geology) Physical disintegration and chemical decomposition of earthy and rocky materials on exposure to atmospheric agents, producing an in-place mantle of waste. Also known as clastation; demorphism.


1. Changes in color, texture, strength, chemical composition, or other properties of a natural or artificial material due to the action of the weather. 2.See still offset3. The cover applied to a part of a structure to enable it to shed rainwater.


the mechanical and chemical breakdown of rocks by the action of rain, snow, cold, etc.




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