

单词 we



W0067500 (wē)pron.1. Used by the speaker or writer to indicate the speaker or writer along with another or others as the subject: We made it to the lecture hall on time. We are planning a trip to Arizona this winter.2. Used to refer to people in general, including the speaker or writer: "How can we enter the professions and yet remain civilized human beings?" (Virginia Woolf).3. Used instead of I, especially by a writer wishing to reduce or avoid a subjective tone.4. Used instead of I, especially by an editorialist, in expressing the opinion or point of view of a publication's management.5. Used instead of I by a sovereign in formal address to refer to himself or herself.6. Used instead of you in direct address, especially to imply a patronizing camaraderie with the addressee: How are we feeling today?
[Middle English, from Old English ; see we- in Indo-European roots.]Usage Note: Appositive nouns or noun phrases sometimes lead writers and speakers to choose incorrect pronoun forms. Thus us is frequently found in constructions such as Us owners will have something to say about the contract, where we is required as the subject of the sentence. Less frequently, we is substituted in positions where us should be used, as in For we students, it's a no-win situation. In all cases, the function of the pronoun within the sentence should determine its form, whether or not it is followed by a noun or noun phrase. See Usage Notes at be, I1.


(wiː) pron (subjective) 1. refers to the speaker or writer and another person or other people: we should go now. 2. refers to all people or people in general: the planet on which we live. 3. a. when used by editors or other writers, and formerly by monarchs, a formal word for I1b. (as noun): he uses the royal we in his pompous moods. 4. informal used instead of you with a tone of persuasiveness, condescension, or sarcasm: how are we today?. [Old English wē, related to Old Saxon wī, Old High German wir, Old Norse vēr, Danish, Swedish vi, Sanskrit vayam]



pron.pl., poss. our or ours, 1. nominative plural of I. 2. (used to denote oneself and another or others, specifically or generally): We have two children. We often take good health for granted. 3. (used in the predicate following a copulative verb): It is we who should thank you. 4. Also called the royal we. (used by a sovereign or other high officials and dignitaries in place of I in formal speech.) 5. Also called the editorial we . (used by editors, writers, etc., to avoid the personal I or to represent a collective viewpoint.) 6. you (used familiarly, often with mild condescension or sarcasm): We know we've been naughty, don't we? [before 900; Middle English; Old English wē, c. Old Saxon wī, wē, Old High German wir, Old Norse vēr, Gothic weis]


– you">you – we – they">they1. 'one'

One is sometimes an impersonal pronoun, showing that something is generally done or should generally be done.

One doesn't talk about politics at parties.

You can also use the possessive determiner one's and the reflexive pronoun oneself.

Naturally, one wants only the best for one's children.We all understood the fear of making a fool of oneself.

One, one's, and oneself are fairly formal. Here are some other ways in which you can say that something is generally done or should be done:

2. 'you'

You can use you, your, yours and yourself, as we usually do in this book.

There are things that have to be done and you do them and you never talk about them.Ignoring your neighbours is rude.
3. 'we'

You can use we, us, our, ours, and ourselves to say that something is generally done by a group of people that includes yourself.

We say things in the heat of an argument that we don't really mean.There are things we can all do to make ourselves and our children happier.
4. 'they'

They can sometimes mean people in general, or a group of people whose identity is not actually stated.

They found the body in the river.

Some people use they when they are mentioning a saying or repeating a piece of gossip.

They say that the camera never lies – but it doesn't always show the full picture.He made a fortune, they say.

They, them, their, theirs, and themselves are also used to refer to words such as everyone and anyone, person, child, and student.

See he - she - they
5. 'people'

You can use people. This is also a fairly common use.

People shouldn't leave jobs unfinished.I don't think people should make promises they don't mean to keep.
6. the passive

Instead of using one of these words and an active verb, you can sometimes use a passive verb. This is a fairly common use in formal writing.

If there is increasing pain, medical advice should be taken.Bookings must be made before the end of December.


You use we to refer to yourself together with one or more other people. We is the subject of a verb.

We could hear the birds singing.We both sat down.

You can use we to include the person or people you are speaking or writing to.

If you like, we could have dinner together.

Be Careful!
Don't say 'you and we' or 'we and you'. Instead of saying 'You and we must go', you say 'We must go'.

You can also use we to refer to people in general, including yourself.

We need to stop polluting the planet.Nowadays we like to think of ourselves as rational and scientific.See one - you - we - they


(wiː) pronoun (used only as the subject of a verb) the word used by a speaker or writer in mentioning himself or herself together with other people. We are going home tomorrow. 我們 我们


→ 对不起,我们来晚了
  • Where are we? → 这是什么地方?
  • When do we get back? → 几点返回?
  • Which sporting events can we go to? → 我们能去观看哪些体育活动?
  • we

    • (I'm) (so) glad you could come
    • (I'm) (so) glad you could drop by
    • (I'm) sorry to hear that
    • (one had) better be going
    • (one had) better get moving
    • (one had) better get on (one's) horse
    • (one) (has) never had it so good
    • (one) (has) never heard (of) such a thing
    • (one) ain't particular
    • (one) can do worse
    • (one) can hardly believe (one's) eyes
    • (one) can scarcely believe (one's) eyes
    • (one) can whistle for it
    • (one) can't beat (something)
    • (one) can't beat that
    • (one) can't believe (one's) ears
    • (one) can't take (someone) anywhere
    • (one) can't win
    • (one) can't win for losing
    • (one) could be forgiven for (doing something)
    • (one) could do worse
    • (one) could stand (something)
    • (one) could use (something)
    • (one) does not wash (one's) dirty linen in public
    • (one) doesn't give a hoot (about something)
    • (one) doesn't give a rip (about something)
    • (one) doesn't have a problem with that
    • (one) doesn't miss a trick
    • (one) figures (that)
    • (one) has a bright future ahead (of one)
    • (one) has made (one's) bed
    • (one) has made (one's) bed and (one) will have to lie in it
    • (one) has no problem with that
    • (one) has to draw a/the line somewhere
    • (one) has to run along
    • (one) has to shove off
    • (one) hasn't lived (until)
    • (one) is (just) too much
    • (one) is going to kill (someone)
    • (one) is going to murder (someone)
    • (one) is not as green as (one) is cabbage-looking
    • (one) is not going to bite (someone)
    • (one) is not going to eat (someone)
    • (one) made (one's) (own) bed
    • (one) made (one's) bed and (one) has to lie in it
    • (one) made (one's) bed and (one) must lie in it
    • (one) might be forgiven for (doing something)
    • (one) might do worse
    • (one) needs to get out more
    • (one) never thought (one) would see (someone) here
    • (one) never would have guessed
    • (one) only has one pair of hands
    • (one) puts (one's) pants on one leg at a time
    • (one) should be so lucky
    • (one) will be forgiven for (doing something)
    • (one) will be lucky
    • (one) will get (one's)
    • (one) will kill (someone)
    • (one) will murder (someone)
    • (one) won't (do something) again in a hurry
    • (one) won't be (doing something) again in a hurry
    • (one) won't bite (someone)
    • (one) won't eat (someone)
    • (one) won't give up without a fight
    • (one) would be forgiven for (doing something)
    • (one) would be lucky
    • (one) would do well to (do something)
    • (one) wouldn't (do something) again in a hurry
    • (one's) only got one pair of hands
    • (someone had) better keep quiet about it
    • (someone had) better keep still about it
    • (someone or something) rules
    • (someone) (just) doesn't know when to quit
    • (someone) could sell an icebox to an Eskimo
    • (someone) could sell ice to Eskimos
    • (someone) could sell sawdust to a lumber mill
    • (someone) hasn't seen nothing yet
    • (someone) is not going to thank you for (something)
    • (someone) started it
    • (someone) won't thank you for (something)
    • (the) last (one) heard
    • (the) next thing (one) knows
    • an offer (one) can't refuse
    • are we away
    • Are we away?
    • are we having fun yet
    • Are we having fun yet?
    • as (one) pleases
    • as best (one) can
    • as far as (one) knows
    • as far as (someone or something) is concerned
    • as if (one) owns the place
    • as much as (one) could do (not) (to do something)
    • as naked as the day (one) was born
    • as we know it
    • as we speak
    • as we speak, (even)
    • be (not) as black as (someone or something) is painted
    • be all (one) could do (not) to (do something)
    • be beat
    • be even (with someone)
    • be half the (something) (one) used to be
    • be not in Kansas anymore
    • be shot
    • be twice the man/woman that (someone) is
    • been getting by
    • before (one) can blink
    • before (one) can say Jack Robinson
    • before (one) could blink
    • bite off more than (one) can chew
    • can barely hear (oneself) think
    • can hardly hear (oneself) think
    • Can we continue this later?
    • can't say fairer than that
    • Could we continue this later?
    • couldn't be happier
    • cross a/that bridge before (one) comes to it
    • cross that bridge when (one) comes to it
    • cry before (one) is hurt
    • curse the day (one) was born
    • damned if (one) does and damned if (one) doesn't
    • damned if you do and damned if you don't
    • damned if you do, damned if you don't
    • delighted to have you
    • delighted to make your acquaintance
    • deserve a medal
    • Do we have to go through all that again?
    • Don’t call us, we’ll call you
    • don't call us, we'll call you
    • Don't call us, we'll call you.
    • eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die
    • every time I turn around
    • faster than you can say Jack Robinson
    • for all (one) cares
    • for all (one) is worth
    • for all (one) knows
    • from Missouri
    • get (one) where (one) lives
    • get more than (one) bargained for
    • get what (one) deserves
    • give (one) an inch and (one) will take a mile
    • Give us the tools, and we will finish the job
    • Give us the tools, and we will finish the job.
    • gives as good as (one) gets
    • Good-bye for now
    • hang up (one's) fiddle when (one) comes home
    • have (one's) druthers
    • Have we met before?
    • Haven't I seen you somewhere before?
    • Haven't we met before?
    • here we go
    • Here we go again
    • hit (one) when (one) is down
    • hit (one) where (one) lives
    • How is (one) fixed (for something)?
    • How is (someone) getting along?
    • How is (someone) making out?
    • I believe we've met
    • I had a lovely time
    • I take it
    • I/we had a good time
    • I/we had a lovely time
    • I/we had a nice time
    • if (one) knows what's good for (one)
    • if (one's) a day
    • it's time we should be going
    • I've had a lovely time
    • kick (one) when (one) is down
    • know what (one) is about
    • know what (one) is doing
    • know what (one) is talking about
    • know what (one) likes
    • know where (one) is going
    • know where (one) is with (someone or something)
    • know where (one) stands
    • Let's do this again
    • let's not and say (that) we did
    • look as if (one) has seen a ghost
    • look as though (one) has seen a ghost
    • look before you leap
    • make (something) up as (one) goes (along)
    • Maybe some other time
    • more than (one) bargained for
    • more than (one) can bear
    • more than (one) can endure
    • need (something) (about) as much as (one) needs a hole in the head
    • need (something) like (one) needs a hole in the head
    • need (something) so bad (that) (one) can taste it
    • neither can (one)
    • neither does (one)
    • Nice weather we're having
    • no better than (one) ought to be
    • no better than (one) should be
    • not all (someone or something) is cracked up to be
    • not as black as (one) is painted
    • not as young as (one) used to be
    • not bothered
    • not know (one is) born
    • not know if (one) is afoot or on horseback
    • not know if (one) is coming or going
    • not know what (one is) missing
    • not know whether (one) is coming or going
    • now (one's) cooking (with gas)
    • now (someone) has gone and done it
    • off (someone or something) goes
    • pay as (one) goes
    • pick (something) up where (one) left off
    • pick up what (one) is putting down
    • play the hand (one) is dealt
    • puts (one's) trousers on one leg at a time (just like everybody else)
    • quicker than you can say Jack Robinson
    • quit while (one) is ahead
    • recognize (someone or something) for what (someone or something) is
    • rue the day (that something happened)
    • see (one) for what (one) (really) is
    • see (to it) that (something happens)
    • shop till (one) drops
    • so bad (that) (one) can taste it
    • so clean (that) (one) could eat off the floor(s)
    • so does (one)
    • so far as (one) knows
    • so mad (that) (one) could scream
    • speak as (one) finds
    • stand corrected
    • stoop to conquer
    • Suppose I do?
    • Suppose I don't?
    • Supposing I do?
    • Supposing I don't?
    • take it with (one) (when one goes)
    • take up where (one) left off
    • talk till (one) is blue in the face
    • talk until (one) is blue in the face
    • tell (one) what (one) can do with (something)
    • the company (one) keeps
    • the end of civilization as we know it
    • the end of the world as we know it
    • the last thing (one) needs
    • the last thing (one) wants
    • the least (one) can do
    • the least (one) could do
    • the price (one) has to pay
    • the royal we
    • there we are
    • there we go
    • think (one) hung the moon
    • think (one) owns the place
    • think (someone) hung the moon and the stars
    • this is why we can't have nice things
    • three strikes and (one's) out
    • till (one) (is) blue in the face
    • till we meet again
    • Times change and we with time
    • united we stand
    • United we stand, divided we fall
    • until (one) is blue in the face
    • until we meet again
    • want (something) like (one wants) a hole in the head
    • want (something) so bad (that) (one) can taste it
    • We aim to please
    • We have to do lunch sometime
    • we must do this again (sometime)
    • We must learn to walk before we can run
    • we need to talk
    • we should get together (sometime)
    • we was robbed
    • We were just talking about you
    • we wuz robbed
    • we, you, he, etc. can/could/might do worse
    • we've got a right one here
    • what (one) has coming
    • what (one) is driving at
    • what (one) is made of
    • what (one) says goes
    • what are we waiting for?
    • What did (someone) do with (something)?
    • What has (someone) done with (something)?
    • What is (one) driving at?
    • What is (one) getting at?
    • What is (one) waiting for?
    • what was (one) smoking
    • what you don't know won't hurt you
    • whatever (one) says goes
    • when (one) is least expecting it
    • when (one) least expects it
    • When do we eat?
    • where (one) is coming from
    • where (one) lives
    • where do we go from here
    • Where do we go from here?
    • while we're young
    • Who is (one) to (do something)?
    • will have none of (something)
    • work till you drop
    • work until you drop
    • worship the ground (one) walks on
    • wouldn't know (something) if (one) fell over one
    • you can dispense with (something)
    • you look a little peaked
    • you look like a million
    • you name it, (one's) got it
    • you saved the day



    As defined by the Medical Defence Union—the largest carrier for medical indemnity insurance in the UK—the insurer named in the schedule for each period of insurance.


    WEWorld Education (Boston, MA)
    WEWomen's Entertainment (TV channel)
    WEWomen's Entertainment
    WEWith Equipment
    WEWest Europe
    WEWorld Editor (gaming)
    WEWestern Electric
    WEWeek Ending
    WEWater Equivalent (climatology)
    WEWine Enthusiast (magazine)
    WEWinning Eleven (game)
    WEWinning Eleven (Konami game)
    WEWrite Enable
    WEWindows Embedded
    WEWochenende (German: Weekend)
    WEWorkstation Environment
    WEWriting Emphasis (various schools)
    WEWater Elemental (World of Warcraft gaming)
    WEWax Ester
    WEWide Excision
    WEWareneingang (German)
    WEWar Establishment
    WEWillenserklärung (German: declaration of intent)
    WEWilson Energy (Wilson, North Carolina)
    WEWithholding Exemptions
    WEWeapons Effect
    WEWeapon Effectiveness
    WEWeight Enumerator
    WEWeapon Engineering
    WEWardrop Equilibrium
    WEWomen's Reserve, Engineering Duties (US Navy)


    we is not available in the Thesaurus. Check:
    • general English dictionary
    • medical dictionary
    • Acronyms
    • Idioms
    • encyclopedia
    • Wikipedia




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