Acronym | Definition |
WDI➣World Development Indicators (World Bank) |
WDI➣Walt Disney Imagineering |
WDI➣William Davidson Institute |
WDI➣Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure |
WDI➣Wood Destroying Insect (home inspections) |
WDI➣Workforce Development Institute (various organizations) |
WDI➣Web Design Ideas (resource) |
WDI➣Websphere Data Interchange |
WDI➣Windows Diagnostics Infrastructure (Microsoft) |
WDI➣Wind Drift Indicator |
WDI➣World Dynamic Investments, Inc. (Stockton, CA) |
WDI➣Wireless Data Infrastructure |
WDI➣War Department Intelligence (US DoD) |
WDI➣Who Did It |
WDI➣Weekly Disability Income |
WDI➣Waterborne Diarrheal Illness |
WDI➣Wind Direction Instrument |
WDI➣Weapons Delivery Impairment |
WDI➣Who Dat? Inc. (New Orleans, LA) |
WDI➣Workplace Diversity Initiative (NIH) |
WDI➣Workforce Diversity Initiative (Sprint) |
WDI➣Written Description of the Invention (patent law) |
WDI➣Weld Diameter Inch |
WDI➣Western Devcon, Inc (real estate developer) |
WDI➣Warm Dry Intact (skin assessment) |