Acronym | Definition |
WBC➣World Boxing Council |
WBC➣World Baseball Classic |
WBC➣White Blood Cells |
WBC➣White Blood Count |
WBC➣Westboro Baptist Church (hate group in Topeka, KS) |
WBC➣Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (Polish) |
WBC➣WESTPAC Banking Corporation |
WBC➣Women in Business Conference (various locations) |
WBC➣Wabco Holdings Inc (stock symbol) |
WBC➣Warrington Borough Council (UK) |
WBC➣Write Back Cache |
WBC➣Web Based Courses |
WBC➣Web Based Collaboration |
WBC➣Web Based Communities |
WBC➣Wide Band Channel |
WBC➣Web Based Communication |
WBC➣White Balance Card (camera feature) |
WBC➣Wholesale Broadband Connect |
WBC➣Well Baby Clinic (various organizations) |
WBC➣Wandsworth Borough Council (UK) |
WBC➣Woodlawn Baptist Church (various locations) |
WBC➣Washington Baptist Church (various locations) |
WBC➣World Boardgaming Championships |
WBC➣Wyoming Business Council (Cheyenne, WY) |
WBC➣World Beer Cup |
WBC➣World Barista Championships |
WBC➣Western Balkan Countries |
WBC➣Williams Baptist College (Walnut Ridge, Arkansas) |
WBC➣World Business Chicago |
WBC➣World Birding Center (Mission, TX) |
WBC➣Washington Building Congress |
WBC➣Washington Bible College (Lanham, Maryland) |
WBC➣Wall Boundary Condition (meteorology) |
WBC➣Wirth Business Credit (Minneapolis, MN) |
WBC➣Whole Body Counting |
WBC➣Wuhan Boiler Company (now Alsom; China) |
WBC➣Welsh Books Council (UK) |
WBC➣Woking Borough Council |
WBC➣Worthing Borough Council |
WBC➣Web-Based Course |
WBC➣Water Binding Capacity |
WBC➣Why Be Catholic |
WBC➣Women's Bond Club |
WBC➣Western Business College (now Everest College; Portland, OR) |
WBC➣Water-Borne Coating (nanomaterials) |
WBC➣Western Boundary Currents |
WBC➣Women's Business Connection |
WBC➣Women's Business Center, Inc |
WBC➣Wideband Channel |
WBC➣Wheat and Barley Committee (Montana) |
WBC➣Wilderness Basics Course |
WBC➣Wisdom Based Computing |
WBC➣Writers Boot Camp (Santa Monica, CA) |
WBC➣Wirral Borough Council |
WBC➣Wooden Brain Concepts |
WBC➣World Burn Congress |
WBC➣Whole Body Count |
WBC➣Weight and Balance Computer |
WBC➣Wireless Broadband Core |
WBC➣World Business Support Center (Yokohama, Japan) |
WBC➣Web-Based Curriculum |
WBC➣Wood-Based Composites Center |
WBC➣William Broughton Carr |
WBC➣Web-Based Collaboratories |
WBC➣Weight-Bearing Control |
WBC➣Washington Breakfast Club |
WBC➣Wilkes-Barre Connecting (railroad) |
WBC➣Westminster Business Consultants (UK) |
WBC➣World Biblical Commentary |
WBC➣World Blogging Classic |
WBC➣Warning Banner Creator |
WBC➣World Bonsai Convention |
WBC➣Winkler Bible Camp (Winkler, MB, Canada) |
WBC➣Whiteboard Consulting |
WBC➣Willy Brandt Center (Jerusalem) |
WBC➣Winnetka Bible Church (Winnetka, IL) |
WBC➣Waveguide Below Cutoff |
WBC➣Wire Bondable Chip |
WBC➣Williamsburg Boat Club (Williamsburg, VA) |
WBC➣When Bongos Collide |
WBC➣World Billfish Challenge (Kailua, HI) |
WBC➣Wasquehal Badminton Club (Wasquehal, France) |
WBC➣Wakefield Baptist Church (UK) |
WBC➣Water Basin Concept |
WBC➣World Blog Council |
WBC➣WakeBoard Clinic |
WBC➣Weird But Cute |
WBC➣With Best Compliments |
WBC➣White Boy Crazy (rap group) |
WBC➣Wilbury Biotechnology Center (Houston, TX) |
WBC➣Wild Boar Club (website) |
WBC➣Wantagh Baptist Church (Farmingdale, NY) |
WBC➣Women's Bodybuilding Committee |
WBC➣Wakatere Boating Club |
WBC➣Warner Brothers Club |
WBC➣Woodberry Bridge Club |
WBC➣Waverley Business Center (UK) |
WBC➣Windsor Bicycling Committee (Windsor, ON, Canada) |
WBC➣White Bar Code |
WBC➣Wakeboard Coalition (Texas) |
WBC➣World Bible Commentaries |
WBC➣Wire and Beads Creation |
WBC➣Winthrop Baptist Church (East Winthrop, ME) |