

单词 bcd



abbr.1. or bcd binary coded decimal2. buoyancy control device


abbreviation for (Communications & Information) binary-coded decimal



(chemical engineering) barrels per calendar day


binary coded decimal


(Binary Coded Decimal) The storage of numbers in which each decimal digit is converted into binary and stored in a single character or byte. For example, a 12-digit number would take 12 bytes. See binary numbers.

BCD and Binary
The BCD method codes each decimal digit in binary and stores it in its own byte. The binary method converts the entire decimal number into a binary number. In the binary example above, the 1 in the left byte is the ninth bit starting from the rightmost bit in the right byte (256-128-64-32-16-8-4-2-1-0).

How Numbers Are Stored
BCD is one of four primary ways numbers are stored in the computer.



Abbreviation for:
black and culturally diverse (Medspeak-UK)
bleomycin, cyclophosphamide, dactinomycin
board-certified diplomate


BCDBinary-Coded Decimal
BCDBirth Control Device
BCDBinary Coded Decimal
BCDBoot Configuration Data
BCDBolt Circle Diameter (civil engineering)
BCDBanking Consolidation Directive (EU)
BCDBuoyancy Control Device (SCUBA diving)
BCDBroadcast Communications Division (Harris Corporation)
BCDBaylor College of Dentistry
BCDBoot Connection Device
BCDBlank Compact Disc
BCDBootable Compact Disc
BCDBattlefield Coordination Detachment
BCDBlues City Deli (St. Louis, MO)
BCDBipolar CMOS DMOS (smart power IC technology)
BCDBehind Closed Doors
BCDBad Conduct Discharge
BCDBoard Certified Diplomate
BCDBlue Compact Dwarf (galaxy)
BCDBibliothèque Centre Documentaire (French: Library Documentation Center)
BCDBarrels Per Calendar Day
BCDBeirut Central District
BCDBest Can Do (computing)
BCDBuilding Control Department (various locations)
BCDBerkeley, Charleston and Dorchester (South Carolina)
BCDBig Chicken Dinner (military slang for a bad conduct discharge)
BCDBanque Centrale de Djibouti
BCDBinary Coded Data
BCDBulk Chemical Distribution
BCDBritish Columbia Dragoons
BCDBaseline Configuration Document
BCDBietti Crystalline Corneoretinal Dystrophy
BCDBistable Cholesteric Display
BCDBroadband Content Delivery
BCDBasic Christian Doctrine
BCDBacolod, Philippines - Bacolod (Airport Code)
BCDBusiness Conditions Digest
BCDBacterial Carbon Demand
BCDBudget Customer Discount
BCDBusiness Cycle Developments
BCDBadminton Club de Doullens (Doullens, France)
BCDBusiness Computer Design International, Inc (Hinsdale, IL)
BCDBlocked Calls Delayed
BCDBiological Conservation Data
BCDBlepharocheilodontic (Syndrome)
BCDBaseline Configuration Design
BCDBrown County Democrats (Ohio)
BCDBlind Code Detection
BCDBachelor of Community Design
BCDBarcode Decal
BCDBudget Change Document
BCDBattle Color Detachment
BCDBattle Correlator Display
BCDBaseline Concept Description
BCDBituminous Coal Division
BCDBattelle Columbus Division
BCDBasic Change Document (USACE)
BCDBattlefield Command Detachment
BCDBaseline Change Directive
BCDBaseline Concept Definition
BCDBlock Cable Diagram
BCDBiological Chemical Detector
BCDBusiness Component Developer
BCDBlack Community Developers Program, Inc (Arkansas)
BCDBrigade, Corps, Division
BCDBuoyancy Compensator/ion Device (SCUBA diving)
BCDBorderline between Comfort and Discomfort (vision and light)
BCDBirth Control Devices (slang for military-issued eyeglasses)
BCDBadminton Club Dijonnais (French: Dijon Badminton Club; Dijon, France)
BCDBattlefield Control Detachment
BCDBugatti-Club Deutschland (German car club)
BCDBlack Crow Designs (various locations)
BCDBehind Completion Date
BCDBlame Complain Deflect
BCDBordeaux Culture et Découverte (French: Bordeaux Culture and Discovery; Bordeaux, France)
ThesaurusSeebinary code




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