(Arabic, Hizb al-Watani, Fatherland Party).
(1) The first political organization in Egypt, active in the period of the rise of the national liberation struggle (1879-82). Watan was against foreign domination. It consisted mainly of progressive officers and representatives of the intelligentsia. Under the slogan “Egypt for the Egyptians,” Watan demanded the introduction of a constitutional order.
(2) A political party in Egypt founded by Mustafa Kamil in 1907. It consisted of representatives of the intelligentsia, the nationalist bourgeoisie, and the landowners and enjoyed wide popularity in the country. It demanded withdrawal of the British troops, establishment of a constitutional order, and, initially, an autonomous Egypt within the framework of the Ottoman Empire. After 1918 the party called for the national independence of Egypt. After the end of World War I it no longer played any essential role. It was dissolved in January 1953.